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The flat is empty now. Have we met rather accidently at the 9th of August of last year, I spent almost every day with Philipp the past 10 month. Today his semester abroad came to its final end for he left to Germany. In 10 days I will follow.

During the past month I had conversations with people who read my blog concerning if I write personal things here or if I don't. My point has always been that I kept everything that was private for myself. Only things concerning Erasmus life I tried to publish. And Erasmus life is an emotional rollercoaster, so it was impossible not to affect private things. But you only see the references if you know me privately. I think you can see that clearly at my melancholical posts from November and December when I had to experience the first lost of close friends who went home after a beautiful time we had spent together.

And I got friends from all over the world. On my list "Places I want to visit" stand cities like Leipzig, Mainz, Hamburg as well as Brno, Madrid and Valenzia. After the past 10 month I am certain: I will visit them definitely.

I know some of the next generation of exchange students check this blog from time to time. So what is Erasmus life about? If you allow it (and not everybody did and does allow it) you get a far sight beyond your common horizon. You meet people with an absolutely different way of living and even if you refuse them in the beginning you have to admit that their way as well correct. Probably as well as yours. By getting them better to know you make this step beyond what I call your common horizon.

People change during this year. Due to the close community here they improve their sozial behaviour learning from the frequent reflections they receive from the others. Your English skill improves, even if it is not the clean English. Check my posts from August and May. You will realize the difference. And you also act more professional infront of cameras. Since my first day in Sundsvall I had to accept pictures of me everytime. And after a while you do not care anymore and start playing with the camera.

And for you innerst self being? The people I spoke with judge it different. Some say, you change totally. Some say, you turn from inside out. I used to say, it is like a second teenage. But the best description I heard was "It opens your eyes". For me, this is absolutely true. Of course I have to admit, that I have changed, but it is more due to the eye-opener-effect. You start rethinking the compromises you made with yourself during the past years while forming yourself to something that's called "adult". It does not necessarily mean that you break up with everything. Some characteristics become stronger because you consider them as more important and some others are skipped.

We do not come home as new beings. But we are better aware of ourselves and what we expect from life. Therefore I close this blog about Erasmus. Erasmus is over and for everbody starts the time to apply in every day life what they have learned abroad.

You can check my webalbum from time to time for visual news from me. Probably I will post from time to time even something here again. And in September I will write again frequently. That time most likely less. And far less about Erasmus.

Ha det bra!


Unknown said…
Ich weiß ja, dass ich nicht wirklich was an der Homepage gemacht habe seit meiner Abreise, oder besser gesagt... nichts! Nur ich habe nur mein Kriechmodem zu Hause, was ist deine Entschuldigung fürs nicht mehr Aktualisieren? Du glaubst doch wohl nicht, dass seit meiner Abreise gar nichts mehr passiert ist.

Liebe Grüße aus der Internetwüste Dörenthe...

der Philipp

PS: I am looking forward to BBQing ;)

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