Wow. I did it! I survived surströmming! At least it tastes better than it smells, but that's not difficult. I don't need that taste again in my life. Bäh....
But from the beginning: they day started with
practicing for the surströmming-party. My group trained a pantomimic performance. Every group had to present their results from their surströmming-investigation. The first group presented a Talk-Show, the second was my own group, the third had a very funny surströming-commercial performance, the fourth has covered the beautiful song "Vem vet" (engl.: Who knows) to "Vem äter" (engl.: Who eats) and the last made a TV-Show. It was a great fun.
After the introduction we were seperated into groups again to prepare the party. I decided to help the entertainmentgroup. We exercised a song, almost one hour. After that, Nicola and i decided to make a few scetches as serving couple. Because of this we went back to the hostel to change our dress, but when we returned our preperations were for nothing, because Ella gave us just some lyrics of swedish drinking songs. Sweds are strange. They love to celebrate, but their drinking songs so sad that you should sing it on a graveyards. Almost no happy melody. Perhaps, because the alcohol is such expensive...
The highlight was the surströmming, of course. We all had to go to the opened surströmming can and to smell the "aroma". It was awful. When smells this "aroma" you think of several ... things you never want so see - not to mention to eat! Everyone who stands eating the rotten fish earned a diploma. Even 18 of 25 tried, the otheres capitulated. But i did! But never ever again. I had felt this taste of rotten fish the whole day. At the picture you can see Dennis, Nicola and me.
After the meal we learned a new swedish song. As Sebastian mentioned correctly, the song is some kind of "Flippers"-style. It was not that motivating like the songs we learned before.
At the end of the day, Nicola and i started with swedish homework and ended with Joana, Fabian and with two bottles of red wine (and one 43 liquor with milk for each) at the kitchen to forget surströmming.
When i went to bed, i propably saw polar lights again. But it was clouded so i am not sure. But there is nothing what could light the sky at the south of Härnösand, i think.
But from the beginning: they day started with
After the introduction we were seperated into groups again to prepare the party. I decided to help the entertainmentgroup. We exercised a song, almost one hour. After that, Nicola and i decided to make a few scetches as serving couple. Because of this we went back to the hostel to change our dress, but when we returned our preperations were for nothing, because Ella gave us just some lyrics of swedish drinking songs. Sweds are strange. They love to celebrate, but their drinking songs so sad that you should sing it on a graveyards. Almost no happy melody. Perhaps, because the alcohol is such expensive...
After the meal we learned a new swedish song. As Sebastian mentioned correctly, the song is some kind of "Flippers"-style. It was not that motivating like the songs we learned before.
At the end of the day, Nicola and i started with swedish homework and ended with Joana, Fabian and with two bottles of red wine (and one 43 liquor with milk for each) at the kitchen to forget surströmming.
When i went to bed, i propably saw polar lights again. But it was clouded so i am not sure. But there is nothing what could light the sky at the south of Härnösand, i think.