This monday I had my first lesson of the new courses that I did not miss. It was a lab and I had to finish two exercises. This is a C-course now and a I see the differences between A,B and C. At A course I could hand in exercises when I wanted. At the B course I could hand them in, when ever I wanted, but it were a lot of exercises. And at the C course we have a lot of exercises but we have to hand them in to close deadlines. In the evening we had a summer party . It was the second during my time at Nacksta, but the first I were able to participate. I missed the first because of the EILC-Good-bye-Party once in Östersund. And this time it was so nice. It was a good opportunity to meet the new exchange students. This was a monday-party. During the last 5 month we received one warning (that means one visit from the police). This night we received two!!! We started at Solène's flat, moving to Urlich's after the first warning. When he received one, we moved on to 16D where the par...
Erasmus in Sundsvall.
8th August 2006 - 20th February 2008