Perhaps you have already noticed some differences between men and women. During their evolution, which seems to be totally different to evolution of men, they evolved skills no man can every imagine. One of these skills is to find weaknesses. Do you know these situations? You have cleaned your room and your mother or girlfriend enters and finds immidiatly the only place you forgot to clean (behind the cupboard, on the doorframe etc.). Even if they don't search, they find these places in seconds. By doing this, they can show you places you have never known them to exist before! And today I saw a job where you can use this ability perfectly: the inspector.

Because Basti had his inspection today, he cleaned the whole flat yesterday night. I was thinking he is too serious, because Dennis and I are still living here and I thought Basti would have just had to clean his own room. But he cleaned everything, and the flat shines in light like never seen before. It was not that clean when we moved in. Floors, furnitures, kitchen, bathrooms... just everything.
Well, almost everyhting. Tody came the inspector. Because he is obviously no woman, this traitor on his own species had a list showing what to check in the flat. But he were not ably to deny his genes generally, because he needed a few minutes to find Bastis weaknesses. Basti left some dust at the lamp at the bathroom and had not cleaned the surface of the doorframes of the cupboards at the kitchen. After having diagnosted these things the inspector used the worst of all tricks.

This trick is such an evil one that every man looses at this. Because when a man cleans a room, he has a plan. The whole room is virtually saved in his head as a perfectly measured map. Because they do not enjoy to much thinking they develop an cleaning-room-algorithm which is something like "Clean every surface you can see". And then he cleans the room. After that the room looks fine, but this algorithm has some critical weaknesses which somehow men never can overcome. For example, something you should never do in such a man-clean room is to move something. Therefore: Don't move anything! No lamp, no carpet, no cupboard, no anything. Just leave everything where it is. This is an artwork, a picture, a something for dreaming of perfectly cleaned rooms.
So the inspector moved the oven a few centimeters forward pointing at the wall behind it which we had never seen before. And we said the same stupid thing every man says when this happens: "We did not know that we can move the oven!". We could also have said, that we don't know how to spell our names. At least the inspector seems to think like I do, because he gave Basti time until tomorrow (!!!) to repair these things. The spanish girls got only 5 minutes for cleaning the oven.

Concluding: this absolute serious cleaning session is worthless at all. I cooked my food a few minutes ago and the pasta overboiled...
I think, as a friend and to void addition suprises tomorrow, I should show Basti another place he has never seen before.