A week has passed since the last post appeared. Since last friday a week of skiing has passed. A week of joy, a week of celebtrating and the last days with a few of my closest friends. But first of all, it were holidays.
Friday, 2007-01-19
In the evening we had Basti's Good Bye Dinner with the EILC people. Dennis cooked very tasty fish. As always, very deligious. Later in the evening Marlena arrived. She is Ulrich's fellow-student and just arrived at Sundsvall. As far as I know she was the first of the new students.
The remaining night Basti and I worked on our assignments for Decision analysis. We were not able to complete it, but we hoped for receiving a "passed" for our already done work.
Saturday, 2007-01-20
This was the first very cold day at Sundsvall since my arrival. Philipp phoned me, telling me, I should take very warm clothes, because it were -15°C. During the ski-week it were every morning that cold. So, early in the morning Basti and I started our last collective journey to Östersund, but because of the night before, we were tired all day long. Except from the train we had no time to sleep. We bought things for the ski-week at Östersund. I bought ski socks and ski glasses for protection against wind and snow. In the evening we had an great meal and a not so good movie at Malgosia's place, were I could also sleep over the night.
Sunday, 2007-01-21
Our taxi arrived at half past 8 at the camping zone to bring to university where our bus tour to Vemdalen started. Vemdalen is a small village with just 500 inhabitants, but a lot of tourists. After our arrival we rent our equipment. The boots are terrible, so my motivation was not very high, because I was very sceptical of this sport. Supposedly you can break easily your bones. Therefore the first steps at the bamibini-hill were hesistant. But thanks to friends from Östersund we learned the first basics at the first day. I also bought a ski pass for the slopes from monday to wednesday. Our accomodation was beautiful, too. I lived in a small house with Malgosa, Nico & Steffi. In the evening we met the others in a different flat, but I did not stay too late, because I needed to congratulate Basti to his birthday immidiatly when monday started. Because of this I was home after midnight.
Monday, 2007-01-22
On monday I participated at the ski school, but after the first ski run down the bambini-hill I lost the group and trained for my self. Later, Basti and I took a real green route. It was so fast, that I was scared. Once I fell down slowly in deep snow. Lieing on my stomach I were not able to move. You could see this funny "snow angel" all the week.
I paused three hours for lunch. During this time Basti improved on this route and I was a little bit frustrated when he went down controlled while I just hoped not to fall down.
We spent the evening with the others in a house somewhere in the woods. This village is relativly huge, but most of the houses are for tourists.
Tuesday, 2007-01-23
This day, I trained a lot and I were able to achieve the skills Basti learned the days before, while he tried snowboarding. During the morning I was longing for a new route, so I took a long green one from the top of the mountain. But I was too fast and at the bottom of a hill I lost controll falling down with speed. I just saw snowclouds and when I stopped saw one ski lieing a few meters away from me. But I got not hurt. I tried it this route a few times with more concentration and success and trained at a steep part of a blue route. At the end of the day I tried a complete blue one a few times, without being able to control the speed completly.
After a funny evening with Basti and Conny at their flat, I received my only injury for this trip. On my way home (just 10 meters) I slipped on the snow, receiving a bruise.
Wednesday, 2007-01-24
First I planned to try a red route for getting to the second mountain where a huge blue route started, but after three days of skiing I felt not that secure like I did the day before. The courses were icey this day anyway. Therefore I skipped the second mountain and stayed at my green and blue routes. At least at the end of the day I tried a new one.
Although I was really tired, I went out this evening. First I met with Basti, Inga and Conny for preheating. After that we went to Martin's place were we played a drinking game. I was not good in it (throuing coins into glasses faster than your predecessor). After my fourth loss I had to pause, because we intended to go to the hotel party. This party was just great. At the beginning the music was great, because of a band... afterwards, the right music was not necessary anymore for having fun.
Thursday, 2007-01-25
This morning I felt very very tired, but I had at least no hang over. This day was dominated by cleaning the house and preparing everything for going home. Because I had Inga's place at the ski-week I took the bus back to Östersund instead of going to Sundsvall.
While buying things for dinner at Lidl the swedish television-fee-company (don't know their name) phoned me, because I would not have payed any fees. I was quite suprised about their call. They were not interested in a radio, just in television and movie player, which I do not have. Funny.
This time I slept at Inga's flat. When I came "home" to her and Basti at night I were so tired that I fell to sleep while talking.
Friday, 2007-01-26
I was very suprised when I woke up in my clothes this morning. And all I have done is going home. And it was quite warm today. Just -3°C or something like that.
I arrived in the afternoon at Nacksta. According to Dennis we have a new flatmate, but I have not seen him yet. I cooked some food and checked the mails of the passed week. My decision analysis lecturer has mailed. I have time until sunday to finish my assignemts. Seems that the coming days and nights won't be different to the days before my holidays. At least, I am back in business. Tomorrow will the welcome dinner for the new students and their mentors. Even if my fellower won't be here since march I will participate. My second welcome party here at Sundsvall.
For more impressions of the week check the blogs of Malgosia and Martin!!!
Friday, 2007-01-19

The remaining night Basti and I worked on our assignments for Decision analysis. We were not able to complete it, but we hoped for receiving a "passed" for our already done work.
Saturday, 2007-01-20

Sunday, 2007-01-21

Monday, 2007-01-22

I paused three hours for lunch. During this time Basti improved on this route and I was a little bit frustrated when he went down controlled while I just hoped not to fall down.
We spent the evening with the others in a house somewhere in the woods. This village is relativly huge, but most of the houses are for tourists.
Tuesday, 2007-01-23

After a funny evening with Basti and Conny at their flat, I received my only injury for this trip. On my way home (just 10 meters) I slipped on the snow, receiving a bruise.
Wednesday, 2007-01-24

Although I was really tired, I went out this evening. First I met with Basti, Inga and Conny for preheating. After that we went to Martin's place were we played a drinking game. I was not good in it (throuing coins into glasses faster than your predecessor). After my fourth loss I had to pause, because we intended to go to the hotel party. This party was just great. At the beginning the music was great, because of a band... afterwards, the right music was not necessary anymore for having fun.
Thursday, 2007-01-25

While buying things for dinner at Lidl the swedish television-fee-company (don't know their name) phoned me, because I would not have payed any fees. I was quite suprised about their call. They were not interested in a radio, just in television and movie player, which I do not have. Funny.
This time I slept at Inga's flat. When I came "home" to her and Basti at night I were so tired that I fell to sleep while talking.
Friday, 2007-01-26
I was very suprised when I woke up in my clothes this morning. And all I have done is going home. And it was quite warm today. Just -3°C or something like that.
I arrived in the afternoon at Nacksta. According to Dennis we have a new flatmate, but I have not seen him yet. I cooked some food and checked the mails of the passed week. My decision analysis lecturer has mailed. I have time until sunday to finish my assignemts. Seems that the coming days and nights won't be different to the days before my holidays. At least, I am back in business. Tomorrow will the welcome dinner for the new students and their mentors. Even if my fellower won't be here since march I will participate. My second welcome party here at Sundsvall.
For more impressions of the week check the blogs of Malgosia and Martin!!!