Today I had a special swedish lesson. First, the location was special. The room where Anna, Line and I had to go was in the top of the library tower of the campus. It was more like a small office, with 5 chairs, on table and a big tv with equipment. Second, the tv-equipment was special. A camera, which you can control with remote control, was standing at the television looking in our direction while sitting at the table. On the table lied a microphone waiting for us to talk. And third, Ella has not been at Sundsvall, but in Härnösand. She was sitting in a class room with a similar equipment as we had. But it was not my lesson. Not because of the equipment. First I were not able to head the words Ella said, because the modification of her voice through the television was unfamiliar to me. But even later, when I understood the words, I did not know what they meant. Terrible. Just 3 weeks out of Sweden and I feel like starting from Zero again. I've been really disappointed about myself. The girls were better and I would have been lost without them. I felt like at school during the english lessons of the last years, when I was glad that the girls were so good at the language and therefore the teacher did not ask to much questions to me. I've been incompetent. The best thing comes: if we understood Ella right she wants us to write an exam next week. I don't know if I want to do this. I planned to write it at summer... To skip or not to skip, that is the question. We will see.
The rest of the day I prepared some applications for home, so I can send them tomorrow to Germany. After that I should be able this time to concentrate on the studys without bureaucatic disturbance. Everything seems to go fine; except my swedish skill.