The last three weeks in Germany pass really fast. First I've been in Madrid as I wrote before. One of the, if not even the, best experiences this year. In the same week I traveled to Aachen met friends from my study program. It is interesting to see how everybody is doing. Some are at the same stage as I looking for a diploma thesis. Others are already finished. Like Basti (from Aachen, not from Leipzig; why are all good guys named Sebastian??). He celebrated last Saturday his passed diploma. Congratulations! And thank you for a really funny evening.

In the meanwhile I found a supervisor for my diploma thesis at my department. Nothing is signed, yet, but I am optimistical. The topic will be about Usability Engineering. I am looking forward.
In one hour I will have to hurry to the train for getting to the airport in Köln/Cologne/Colonia (did I forget a language?). 5 days Leipzig will follow. I heard only the best about the city. Pubs, monuments, activities... and friends from EILC :) I will live at Basti's and Inga's place and I hope to see
Martin, too.
When I imagine that already on Friday next week I will wake up in my soft-bed in Sundsvall, I feel excited. Before my abroad in Sweden I was very sceptical against flights. Now I travel through Europe and flights are not scary anymore, but boring or at least necessary to get from A to B. At least, Leipzig is not that far, so the flight will be short.