Sometimes in your life, their exist days which seem to overload your senses. Those days could be storyline for a movie. And this is definitely one of them. Let me think... what did I learn today... 30 minutes as buffer for reaching an airplane is not necessarily enough. Oh yes, and the Swedish mail service is the worst in whole europe, because letters with a stamp of a date a week before I have left Sweden did not reach me before my departure in June.
As usual I have been nervous the whole morning. I thought about what I have done the past 5 weeks and what I have missed. I've been to Madrid and Leipzig, met close friends as well from my study program as from my Erasmus year. But I did not visit everybody I wanted. I thought about things I see for the last time for a while. The view from my balconey. My old room which isn't anymore really my room. And the dogs.
Because we need with the car just 40 minutes, we started in time to be 30 minutes at the airport before Check-In closes. But today we had heavy rain and an unbelievable slow kind of a "slight traffic jam". When I realized we would not make it in time I could have cried and exploded at the same time. Therefore, when the woman at the Check-In number 20 said, she cannot do anything for me, because I am 10 minutes too late, she told me something I already expected. BUT, the woman from Check-In number 1, who was not responsable for any flight, took my luggage and gave me my ticket. Thanks to the Germanwings-Crew from Check-In number 1. You saved my life. She gave me the ticket, I turned and I could not say anything. I really had believed I would not make it. My brother said "My god, you have a shock" when he tried to make a serious Good-Bye to me. And it took an eternity to get through the checks! Of course I got the slowest queue. The woman before me had to decide which of here fluids she would have to throw away, because she was not allowed to take everything. 5 minutes before departure I arrived at my Gate. Even at the plane I did not believe it and thought about probably sitting in the wrong plane.
But I arrived at Arlanda, where I had to wait almost 3 hours. And I checked my watch every two minutes. Sometimes several time in a minute. It was hard to wait for the train. And inside the train time did not seem to pass. Only the last hour I got more and more excited reaching my goal.
And now I am here. Welcome to Sundsvall! May the new year become as great, confusing and extraordinary as the last.

Because we need with the car just 40 minutes, we started in time to be 30 minutes at the airport before Check-In closes. But today we had heavy rain and an unbelievable slow kind of a "slight traffic jam". When I realized we would not make it in time I could have cried and exploded at the same time. Therefore, when the woman at the Check-In number 20 said, she cannot do anything for me, because I am 10 minutes too late, she told me something I already expected. BUT, the woman from Check-In number 1, who was not responsable for any flight, took my luggage and gave me my ticket. Thanks to the Germanwings-Crew from Check-In number 1. You saved my life. She gave me the ticket, I turned and I could not say anything. I really had believed I would not make it. My brother said "My god, you have a shock" when he tried to make a serious Good-Bye to me. And it took an eternity to get through the checks! Of course I got the slowest queue. The woman before me had to decide which of here fluids she would have to throw away, because she was not allowed to take everything. 5 minutes before departure I arrived at my Gate. Even at the plane I did not believe it and thought about probably sitting in the wrong plane.

And now I am here. Welcome to Sundsvall! May the new year become as great, confusing and extraordinary as the last.