The last day in Sweden went pretty well. After the morning I was finished with everything I had to fix. I brought back all my books to the library, picked up my copies of my diploma thesis, picked up the last stuff from my office, said good bye to Aron, changed my address at the Skatteverket, canceled my bank account and was back at Nacksta before 2pm. At 7pm I've been at Norrmalms and helped Marlies and Annemiek baking appelflappen . But I was rather useless than an effective support. Especially at half past 7 when my last Friends episode in Sweden started. The last for me. Since 8 I was sitting in the basement waiting for people. I do not know exactly when, but I think the first arrived at 9. And it was really nice. And I got the nicest present I could imagine. Well, I could not imagine it before! It is a memory game with pictures of all student from last semester. No picture is twice, so the game is about finding two different pictures of the same person. It even has a box title...
schöne grüße aus der verregneten römerstadt. gerade jetzt hätte ich lust auf abchillen in schweden. vielleicht ein bisschen blaubeeren sammeln... achja... :-(
Tja, was kann man hier schönes machen... an den See fahren, Wandern, an den Strand fahren, Baden, Schwimmen, Planschen, Radfahren, Gammeln, sich Bräunen, Langmachen, Biber gucken, Elche gucken, Sonnenuntergang gucken, lange Schlafen, Bummeln, Shoppen, Seele baumeln lassen oder einfach in den Urlaub fahren. Aber Trier ist bestimmt auch toll. Bestimmt. Man muss nur suchen *knuddel Malgosia*
Ich werd für Dich zwei Beeren mitsammeln :)