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Showing posts from September, 2007

För den jag är

Unbelievable. Anna is already since 10 days gone. Or is it only 10 days? I lost my feeling for time. Everyday is full of experiences and activities. I cannot recall everything what I have done in the past two weeks. Many things are just small things which I appreciate a lot. But the last weekend was a highlight. We went with 12 people in three cars to a place called Vallbo near Åre. We started at half past 6 in the morning on Saturday. Although some of us did not sleep at all during the fromer night we walked almost 8 hours. And it was awesome. We walked through so many different landscapes. Wood, swamp, high gras, Tundra, stone desert, climbed up a mountain, walked crosswards through the wood, on a dead river... Overwhelming. I remembered pictures of New Zealand while we wandered through that panorama. The view was breathtaking. The weather changed quickly a few times. One we had even an ice shower. In the end of the day we stayed for dinner at a pension where we got selfmade soup, b...

Anna left

As you can here in the last post, I survived my interview. Short before the interview I was asked by a colleage if I want to join a department-trip to Hassalar in the end of September. It is for a conference with a lot of fika and dinner. Of course, why not. And they want to make a second interview with me. This time in English, I guess, because it is for an advertisment paper of the university. Work goes also fine. The lessons go well and my computer seems to be finally fixed, so I can start with writing my thesis at university. The favorite sport of this semester seems to be swimming. Everyday is somebody going to simhallen. On Tuesday and Thursday I joined. It also has a sauna what we used in the end of our visit. Wednesday night was Anna's last night in Sundsvall during her erasmus year. We made a big party with Feuerzangenbowle . Everybody had to bring his own cup and now my red-wine reserves are depleted, but it was worth it. During the evening we made 4 punches and every tim...


Today I had my first lecture. I could not sleep since half past 5. I was not very nervous, but when I woke slightly up, I started immediatly thinking about what shall me first words in the lecture be and so on. At 8 I went to university and practised the methods I planned to present. And it went quite good. I even enjoyed it. I wonder how it will be like when I am used to stand in the front. After lunch I finally started with my thesis again, for I delayed it last week. But I have no administrator rights on my laptop, so I have to wait for the IT to install me the software I need. Until then, I just collect knowledge with a usual pen on a usual paper. Half Nacksta met at 5pm at simhallen for swimming. It was a little bit crowded, because there has been just 2 lanes for freelancers like us. It was even my first visit in a simhall since 1.5 years. And I got cramp in my toes. In my toes! In the beginning I wondered about a strange feeling, but when I somehow could not swim properly, I rea...

It's not the money, it's the recipes

After a perfect weekend I am looking forward to the first lecture tomorrow. I plan to go to university earlier to train all examples again. But for it is not so much stuff, we should be done in one hour, I guess. On Friday have we been in Kåren. It was well visited and we stayed, of course, until the end. Therefore, Saturday was very relaxing. We started with a brunch at Hauke's and Ole's place. Afterwards, I could have slept all the time, but I think it is just the appartment-shock. It is so easy to waste time without doing anything when you stay in your room. The best encounter is to go out. Luckily Marta joined me for a short walk through the rain. In the evening we met at the Italian flat. Pasta inclusive, of course. We left at 4 in the morning. Today I had the same problem as yesterday concerning feeling tired. In the afternoon started Jens and I to Norra Berget to observe some new ways. The sun got finally through the clouds and presented an amazing landscape.

Helan och Halvan

Indeed, I went to sauna last night. After I've been back, I felt so cosy tired that I only wanted to sleep... but I got a call from Germany that I would have to copy a 6-page article from a car magazine word by word. It last until half past 1 until I was finished. I was so tired, the letters were only vague dots and I had to read every line twice. This morning I found a scanner at the university, so I could finally scan those articles from the magazine. But because I have no log-in for my computer I had to run two floors between scanner and student-computer room for checking the scans. And I felt pretty embarrassed scanning car articles on my second day right next to my colleages. Well, since the student-scanner is not properly installed, there is a reason why I have to use the professors' scanner, but nevertheless. After scanning I was upset with that work, because it steals so much time. Cars are very uninteresting for me. In my eyes they are just tools. Of course, it is a jo...

First day as an Assistant

I can hardly believe that it is already Thursday. I did almost nothing at my thesis! But I was not lazy, too. Time passes so fast at the moment. Almost every morning I get up 6am for write english abstracts about articles from Swedish, English or German newspapers. Don't ask me, what I did Monday and Tuesday. I think I did something on my thesis, for it has 2 more pages now. Yesterday was my first day at university again. But this time I was not anymore a student, but an employeer. I think this one of those first days, you forget after a short while. Climbing stairs the first time, running from one office to another, fixing papers etc. Until now the course consists of one Swedish boy and my friend Marco from Italy. But I think, I assume a 50/50 chance that Marco will remain as only student, for the Swedish boy did not look to enthusiastic when I realized, the lecture would be held in English. But some erasmus students showed interest as well. Probably we can hold the lecture in my ...

Huvud, Axlar och Tår

At the moment it is a quite stressful, but amazing time. On Friday we have been on Alnö . The evening we went to the opening of Kåren and it was really cool. On Saturday there was a barbeque at Sidsjön . The way back we went through the forest with a shortcut over some tiny pathes. In the evening we went to Kåren again. The following afterparty last until half past 4 and I doubt to be able to go out with my family today. They visited me today on Sunday and we went to Härnösand. After a short visit in town we walked around Smittingen. Now I feel tired, but I am very happy to have been there again. I hope, we can manage to go there with the Sundsvall students. The grottos, landscape, the beach... for everything a superlative. Stahls in Härnösand