Today I had my first lecture. I could not sleep since half past 5. I was not very nervous, but when I woke slightly up, I started immediatly thinking about what shall me first words in the lecture be and so on. At 8 I went to university and practised the methods I planned to present. And it went quite good. I even enjoyed it. I wonder how it will be like when I am used to stand in the front. After lunch I finally started with my thesis again, for I delayed it last week. But I have no administrator rights on my laptop, so I have to wait for the IT to install me the software I need. Until then, I just collect knowledge with a usual pen on a usual paper. Half Nacksta met at 5pm at simhallen for swimming. It was a little bit crowded, because there has been just 2 lanes for freelancers like us. It was even my first visit in a simhall since 1.5 years. And I got cramp in my toes. In my toes! In the beginning I wondered about a strange feeling, but when I somehow could not swim properly, I realized that something must be wrong. Annoying. But I think swimming will be my this semester's hobby. The first it was salsa, the second streetdance and now swimming. Everytime something I have to work on. And salsa will begin next week! I will attend the beginners-course as well as the advanced.
Tomorrow I have to stand up at 6am, for it is my shift for translating articles from Swedish or German to English. And on Wednesday radio västernorrland is sending from the campus in Sundsvall. And they want an interview with me as an exchange student. In Swedish!!! I will be lost... holding a lecture is much easier.