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Helan och Halvan

Indeed, I went to sauna last night. After I've been back, I felt so cosy tired that I only wanted to sleep... but I got a call from Germany that I would have to copy a 6-page article from a car magazine word by word. It last until half past 1 until I was finished. I was so tired, the letters were only vague dots and I had to read every line twice.
This morning I found a scanner at the university, so I could finally scan those articles from the magazine. But because I have no log-in for my computer I had to run two floors between scanner and student-computer room for checking the scans. And I felt pretty embarrassed scanning car articles on my second day right next to my colleages. Well, since the student-scanner is not properly installed, there is a reason why I have to use the professors' scanner, but nevertheless. After scanning I was upset with that work, because it steals so much time. Cars are very uninteresting for me. In my eyes they are just tools. Of course, it is a job and I earn money, but it wasted so much time I should have invested into my thesis. I will wait until the next issue, before I decide if I work on with this or not.
The assistant job at university brings a lot of nice surprises. I like the office. There I have my own whiteboard and can practise the lesson. And everybody is so friendly! When I started at Fraunhofer two years ago I was left alone. At that time, I arrived, got a task "Write a wrapper" and I wondered if I would have to cook something... But here I get a tour, everybody explains me everything and I have no fear asking questions twice. And until now I could not figure out a hierachy. At the other jobs I had before there was always one boss where you had to keep your head down for not risking to become an example for a difference between a human and a machine. I guess, that is the university-advantage.
And they speak Swedish with me as long as I can understand them. It's so great! Hopefully I can push my Swedish skill to a usable every-day level. And today I discovered a treasure room. I just have to go 5 meters from my office: the fika-room. With a coffee-machine.... Michael would emigrate, for sure. First I was overchallenged by the amount of coffee-options. Then I thought trying "choclate-coffee". In my cup flowed one stream of coffee... and a stream of choclate pouder. Amazing! Even in the cafeteria you have to pimp you coffee with choclate by your own. And it is not for free there. I love that job.
They send an email around with a picture from me and a short description in Swedish. The picture they made this morning spontaniously while I was scanning my "private" articles. Later on I found a picture of me from exactly one year ago. I was quite surprised and I won't hide the pictures from you. Last November I already compared two pictures of me. Here is now the difference of exactly one year. The first is from Ella when she made a photo from me in the first Swedish lesson of September 2006. The other one is from this morning.

Does anybody still wonder, why I want to stay here?


Anonymous said…
jetzt bin ich also auch schon auf deiner seite offiziell ein oldie... aber du ja wohl auch, was? in einem jahr hat sich doch ganz schön viel getan am jungen mondgesicht :)
schön, dass dir dein neuer job gefällt. viele liebe grüße! m
myblog said…
Gut schaut er aus, dem Papa sei Bu! Gemeine Leute würden sagen er bekommt nix zu Essen in Schweden ;)

Schöne Grüße aus Franken

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