Unbelievable. Anna is already since 10 days gone. Or is it only 10 days? I lost my feeling for time. Everyday is full of experiences and activities. I cannot recall everything what I have done in the past two weeks. Many things are just small things which I appreciate a lot. But the last weekend was a highlight.

We went with 12 people in three cars to a place called
Vallbo near Åre. We started at half past 6 in the morning on Saturday. Although some of us did not sleep at all during the fromer night we walked almost 8 hours. And it was awesome. We walked through so many different landscapes. Wood, swamp, high gras, Tundra, stone desert, climbed up a mountain, walked crosswards through the wood, on a dead river... Overwhelming. I remembered pictures of New Zealand while we wandered through that panorama. The view was breathtaking. The weather changed quickly a few times. One we had even an ice shower. In the end of the day we stayed for dinner at a pension where we got selfmade soup, bread and salat for 60 SEK. Thanks to a friend of Johanna from university who gave us her two small cottages for the night. Until the others have uploaded there pictures, there are only mine available:

On sunday we drove to Östersund, made a small visit at the university and walked through the city. We stopped at at a café where we drank coffee and ate cake. But I had so much cream, that I had to wait outside in fresh air, because I felt sick afterwards. Before we left we surprised the this year's exchange students. We drove on the camping site and talked to the first person we met. It was belgium exchange student from Liege. I am sure, she was a little bit shocked having suddenly a dozen peole around her who would like to get her to know. We spoke to a few and now we the basic contact between the campus' is established. Now we know each other we plan to do a trip together and to visit each other. Only Härnösand is still missing. For the pictures of the others you still have to wait until everything is uploaded.
östersund ist natürlich auch immer eine reise wert ;-)
grüezi aus trier, der ersten deutschen massenproduktionsstätte für kanelbullar.
Ich hätte gerne mal ein Foto von den Stugas gesehen. Auch ich bin dabei die Schönheit der Natur wieder zu entdecken, erleben und genießen.
Hälsar från Franken!