I can hardly believe that it is already Thursday. I did almost nothing at my thesis! But I was not lazy, too. Time passes so fast at the moment. Almost every morning I get up 6am for write english abstracts about articles from Swedish, English or German newspapers. Don't ask me, what I did Monday and Tuesday. I think I did something on my thesis, for it has 2 more pages now. Yesterday was my first day at university again. But this time I was not anymore a student, but an employeer. I think this one of those first days, you forget after a short while. Climbing stairs the first time, running from one office to another, fixing papers etc. Until now the course consists of one Swedish boy and my friend Marco from Italy. But I think, I assume a 50/50 chance that Marco will remain as only student, for the Swedish boy did not look to enthusiastic when I realized, the lecture would be held in English. But some erasmus students showed interest as well. Probably we can hold the lecture in my living room - fika inclusive.
Today I got back to university for finishing organizational stuff. I got my keys to the office and even a computer. But I still have to wait for my log-in. But it seems, that I can work more. On half past 2 my arctile-job-chef told me, I would have time until half an hour ago to buy "Teknikens Värld" and to summerize all relevant articles. Oh my god... It took until halb past 7 in the evening, until I could finish for today. I hope tomorrow won't be so much work for the articles, for I definitely have to prepare my first own lesson on Monday. And there is still the thesis! But for today, I finish work.
Now I feel tired. Anna is cleaning the flat since one day, because she has inspection tomorrow. Oh, and Ben is in Sundsvall! A pitty, I had hardly time the past days (what the hell did I do all the time???), but I think he enjoyed his visit anyway.All the others are at Sidsjön playing games and having fun. When I went home from university this evening we had a blue sky and a cold wind like I love it. I would have liked to climb up to Norra Berget. But I could not. I hope for the weekend. But today, I will finish with a good and quiet sauna, because, nevertheless, life is still great.
