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That's the time

It is Monday morning, short before 11am. The view from my desk is directed to the window to a clear blue sky. The first snow from Thursday is gone since days. Most trees have lost their leves now. The remaining leaves lost their colors and present a palette of ocher-variances. In Sunsdvall most of the time seems to shine the sun.
From Friday evening until Sunday night the Erasmus students (and me) went to Stockholm. We started with the Ybuss Friday evening. I do not know how long the ride finally lasted. Something over 4 hours. Having arrived at the City Terminalen we bought tickets for the metro. With almost 40 people that can take quite a while. Our hotel was somewhere in an industry-area, it seems. Until that point I planned to split off from the main group as soon as possible to manage things by myself. But it was not necessary. The hotel was good. And already at the first night we started into town. I appreciate the metro ticket. In May Philipp and I did not buy one. But the investion of 190 SEK would have been worth it. We went to a club called like "Beliza Bar". Arrived in the queue we got the first good impression of Stockholm's partylife while the police calmed an argument in a group next to the queue. They arrested at least one. The shock for us came at the entrance. While we complain about 70 SEK entrance fee at O'Learys in Sundsvall 120 SEK in at this bar are frustrating in the first moment. But most of us did not drink, so it were "just" 120 SEK for the entrance at that evening. And it was amazing. Good music. Bar-tömming-music. Dancing music. Another difference to Sundsvall is that clubs have opened until 5am. But we stayed only until 3 for getting the last metro back to the hotel.
After 3 hours relaxing sleep, a vitalising shower and satisfying breakfast it was time to start into town. First we took a fairy to Skansen to go in small groups into the zoo which Philipp and I had skipped because it did not look very interesting. And indeed, it is not. For one house of apes and snakes you even have to pay a second entrance fee - an even higher fee than the entrance for the rest of the zoo. Not that the zoo was not interesting. Well, it wasn't, but maybe it could be. In summer. With opened houses. And animals. The following visit at the famous Vasa museum was more amazing. With a fairy we got back to Gamla Stan walked around and ate at Burger King. In the evening we went out to the city again. But the queue to the club we wanted to get in was horrible long. After 30 minutes we were just half the way and already almost 1am. So we turned and went to Medusa Rock Bar. And that is definitely something you have to experience. All kind of weird looking people dancing to Metal music. The latter the evening the harder the music. So after a while we were only able to watch. Not that I did not like the music, but it was hardly dancable. But listening was ok. A big advantage over O'Learys.
After this time almost 6 hours of sleep, one shower and a short breakfast we left our rooms for the last time. Our small group of Christian, Stefan, Sandra, Maritha and me together with Eileen and Johanna went back to Skansen by foot to visit the famous Nordisk museum. The queue was incredible long. And when we've been finally in, we knew why the people pay 100 SEK and stand in a queue for half an hour. Not because of the museum. That is boring. Boring exhibitions with little charm. The sections are organised material topics. One room you watch hundred hats of the past 400 years. The next 30 skirts. In the next chairs. I had expected something like the Deutsche Museum in Munich. So, if you want to go there, check if there is a special occasion. Like a choclate exhibition. The museum itself was almost empty but hundred of people crowded the central hall begging for small pieces of all kind of choclate. We joined the choclate-orgy and a lot of time later left satisfyed the museum. Choclate makes happy. They should keep the choclate fair there in the muesum for having happy visitors. Or change the exhibits in the main muesum. Still plenty of time left we visited the Vattenmuseum which Phil and I had visited already. But I knew that it is still expensive and small, but at least you get something interesting to watch. We ended our Stockholm trip in a Tacco-bar and left Stockholm in the Ybuss at 6:30pm. At 11pm we were back in Sundsvall. We ended the night after 1am at Christian's flat were we congratulated to his birthday. And founded the Wurstjugend Sundsvall. Long story. But I am now member of an organization.
Comparing my two trips to Stockholm now, I can say: a metro-ticket is a must-have. Although every tourist visits it the Vasa museum is worth the fee. Think about not forgetting your metro ticket when going out at night (I had to run back to the hotel every night). Think about having your keys when you wish to get back to your room at night. Walking around Stockholm is much more fun when you are healthy. And a weekend is hardly enough for Stockholm. Stefan has the pictures.


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