Work goes quite well these days. Every day my thesis gets more text. I start now every morning at 9. Effectively at 10 or later, because before I do everything else than working: getting tea, checking mails, reading news and stuff like that. On Tuesday my students wrote my exam. Pretty cool thing. Yesterday I corrected it. Strange to see them in my situation from one year ago. These days are more serious than the days before. Not only because of workload. Since my future in Sweden depends on the result of my thesis there is a uncertain timespan after February. Even if they accept me as PhD I cannot imagine that bureaucracy (even in Sweden) can let me start immediately in March. Therefore I should check for some B-plans. I already canceled my room at Nacksta, because in case I stay here it is no problem to take the cancellation back. May thoughts about plans in spring are quite vague. There is still the master thesis that needs to be written. I could bridge the time between diploma thesis (end in February) and PhD decision with writing my thesis in a company. In a company, because I need to get paid. And I do not want to write a thesis alone, again. But how to find a company. And in which studies. Unlikely in decision analysis, because there are not that many companies that deal with it. So in computer science in general. But that's such a broad topic. And so on.
