The last week was passing quickly. During the days I worked on my thesis. In the end it even made some fun. I am only rewriting it at the moment trying to get a link between all chapters and finish ideas that I had in early chapters but never mentioned later again. The evenings became a lot quieter than they have been only two weeks before. I already start thinking about what I pack into my luggage in a week and what I leave here. That is fun. However, imagine to leave this room in two days is sad somehow.

On Saturday we only hang around. A most lazy day. In the evening was the first party in Tornvillan I heard about. So, I took the chance to go there. It is even a quite nice place to party. It is only far away from everything. Supermarket, Nacksta, City. But they have a big sauna. And a party room that does not loose power at midnight. The party was announced to be a pre-valentine-party. A pity only a few people showed up. Well, still I guess 30, but that's almost only half of the people from the mask party. I guess, it was too much for some. But anyway, it was nice and I finally know this hidden place. Again at 3am I've been home.
So, tomorrow I will start moving stuff out of my room. And maybe starting first test packing my luggage. I have the strong feeling that I won't have space for "serious" stuff. I think, I will only bring a few of my clothes home. They will be wrapped around the souvenirs which I have collected over the months.
ersteres fänd ich ja ne sehr lustige idee :-)
grüße aus dem frühlingshaften trier! m
Greetings from icy Sundsvall