Emptying the room you spend your erasmus studies in is a strange feeling. My room I had for 50 weeks, after having lived 6 months in 20A. Almost one year in this little cabin. Seeing the room finally empty is not that strange. It even holds something exciting, since it means you move on. But carrying your stuff piece by piece out of the room is like watching a picture book from old times. It is not really a sad feeling, but you remember a lot of small things that seemed to be forgotten.

But all my stuff did not vanish, of course. It just moved further to the living room, a place where almost every leaving exchange student has to spend some time. For me it will be a week. And it is not such a mess as it should be used for me. All in all I do not have so much stuff as I had expected. I guess it will fit all in this old crappy suitcase I have. However, I look forward to packing, for it means I will have to sort a lot of things out I would not look at again, anyway. And the stuff that remains is the really important stuff.
Leaving my room also means that I will get back my deposition. So, for a short time, I will be a little bit rich. Until Tuesday, when I will print my thesis. Never expected that to be expensive. 3 copies, each 80 pages. Colored pages 5 SEK, black-white 50 Öre.
This morning the most likely only stroopwafel of whole Nacksta decided to take a bath in my tea so had to eat it with a spoon. So much for breakfast. The inspection had been shifted from 9 to 12 and was uncomplicated. This evening Sebastian will move into the room that was mine this morning.
my thesis was printed by the department. So I good three exemplars for free? Are you sure you have to pay your thesis...
oldies but goldies. sehr schön. hab ich übersehen... :-)