What a night! Everybody feels still high because the last night. Most of us not because of the alcohol. Sandra & Felix had the amazing idea to celebrate a cocktail party as good bye party. After the carnevalparty (also an idea of them) it was sure: with their talent for decoration, music , fun and atmosphere this would be a hightlight of the year. And it was, indeed! It was even better than the carneval party! The invitiation was "dress up somhow sexy", so I took a shirt from Basti for not having on one of my four already well known party-shirts.

After midnight the security of Nacksta came to warn us, if we would not stop, they would call the police for ending the party and claiming for 700SEK penalty. Because of this, Johnny had the great idea to move in his apartment in another building. Even if his neighbours would claim for silence, we would just receive a warning first, like we did at the first place. But there was no security or police anymore, so we celebrated at his place until the late morning. But it was a pitty for the nice decoration of the first appartment Sandra and Felix worked so hard for. But they should not be sad, because we are all thankful they initiated the most wonderful parties of the year. They were a few amazing photographers:
Phil, ...

In contrast to the (so called)
good-bye-dinner we could feel this time the spirit of evanesence. I had some really sad moments. I thought of losing friends I celebrated with on this party. But I also thought again about my
EILC people widespread over europe. As beautiful this half year was as bitter is its end. I talked with some guests and they said "Time passed so quickly. I can remember my arrival like it would have been yesterday". I cannot remember my arrival realy, because of the
strong memory of Härnösand, but time passed really quick. I don't know really where the last 3 month were.
november and
december felt equally. It was so short. I feel of having not invested enough time on very good friends. And in addition some friends here I really learned to know only in the last weeks and they will leave too soon. It's hard to realize having lost time.

Basti and I left the party at half past 4 in the morning. We still were not tired and still filled with the wish to carry on, tasting the last dance until its very end. But we had a lab in the morning at 8:15. And after 2 hours of sleep, we made it! We went to the lab. Totally wasted, but we were there and even finished our assignment! I think more than the half of the work for this lesson is done by now. I am really happy we worked so efficient on it. But because of the night I were not able to accompany Phil at the logic-lesson, so I skipped it (again). And I slept wonderful until 17:30. Now we wait for "sista salsa kursen" (the last salsa course) and will meet the other exchange students after that somewhere in town at a good-bye pizza dinner. Again a breath of a dream we want to taste as long it lasts.
