Today nothing special happened. Well, there are some things. First, I wondered about my lecturer in Decision Analysis who knows my name and I don't know why. Second, after 18 month of abstinence I posted a picture at You probably know it already from my blog about the barbeque in september. I changed the cut, as you will notice. But I like the motive and the depth of the picture. Have a look!
In the evening I had a nice walk with Phil through the woods. Since my adventure with Basti at september I was longing for something like this. We started at almost nine o'clock in the evening and were prepared with torches this time. We went tiny pathes and after almost two exciting hours we were back at Nacksta. During our walk we swichted the torches sometimes off to see the stars. It was amazing to realize when they became more and more the longer the eyes got used to the darkness. For the picture we installed one of the torches in a tree to light us during the exposure. We did not see any animal. We even heard none. It was totally dark and silent out there. I always expected wrinkling eyes infront of my torch, but the were only trees, mudd and frozen ground. Now we have an imagination of the pathes. They do not seem to be made by animals, because they cross like ordinary roads and at the end was even a small wooden bridge. And we found food traces from humans on them. Next time, we will test the other pathes. We know now the "main"-path an will test the others next time. I hope soon, because I love these small adventures. They touch your senses and make you feel alive.
