The last five week were dominated by my third assignment for organisational decision making (odm). I can hardly remember monday or tuesday, because I always thought about this damn book. Anyway it became interesting to me. If you ignore all the repetition and don't ask "and who should wonder about this? who cares?" it started to become interesting to see many obvious theories collected in 200 pages. But the problem at this university is: they do not have an satisfiing amount of copies of a book. Only two for each book. And these short-loan books. You can have them only from 10:00 to 17 :00 or from 17:00 to 10:00. I had to take the short-loan for two reasons: first, the two long-term copies are borrowed and, second, because it is a distance course I am writing for, I don't know all the other students, so I don't know who has these books. From monday on I walked to the library every morning and every evening. Just to give back the book and loan it imidiatly again. On tuesday in the morning I came at the library at 10:15, because the lessons start at 10:15. They said nothing. On wednesday I came there at 10:20... and had to pay a penalty of 100SEK, although I was the only one who wanted to borrow the book. 100 SEK! That are exaclty 11 € !!! Damn system! But obviously it was my fault. I loaned the book again and studied further.
In the evening I went to Phil looking german news, but because the internetconnection got lost, we went imidiatly to 20B to gratulate Ulli for her birthday.
On thursday Basti and I had our third Decision Analysis Lab. A lab is like a "praktikum" at home. The difference is, that you do not have to be there, but you should, because the exercises are compulsory. And they are quite hard. Not because they are very complicated, but you have to think a lot about theories and gather informations before you can start working. But after 2 hours we had a flow. Everything went fine and we were able to solve the given problem. We felt fine and worked on and after 4,5 hours we were the only group who had finished their assignment. I looked satisfied on my watch and realized that it is 17:30... the ******* book!!!! I ran to the library, but it was too late. The claimed for another penalty of 100 SEK, although I was to only one who is interested in that book. It was a real shock. I worked so hard and successful and I felt like being punished, because I did. Because I worked so intensivley on Decision Analysis and because I did read this damn book instead of just copied pages from the book to paste them into the assignments like others do. It was knocked down. A few minutes later I came back into the library begging for mercy. In the end I got it, but "only this last time". Last time? For sure. Next time I will copy from others, before I loan a short-loan book again. I tried it in the brave way, but they don't let me. I don't care anymore. They assignments are not read anyway. Instead of a feedback I just receive emails with "ok". So why should I invest more effort in this. Ideals can be an expensive thing.
In the evening was salsa course. The balance between girls and boys was even (5 to 5). I was the only non-swedish person there! Therefore Julio (teacher) spoke swedish almost all the time. In the beginning I understood not much, but in the end I was able to follow the instructions and understood even some of his jokes. In the end he said "Nästa gången är sista gången salsa" (The next time is the last time salsa). I was so proud having understood this important information. He said, we would earn diplomas, but I am not sure if this was a joke. But it would be pretty. I tould Gema, if I would earn a diploma for salsa, I would be a miracle: salsa dancer and german in one person. She agreed. In the evening I sat until almost (-> another thing I finally learned at salsa: 'nästan' betyder 'almost' på svenska; guess why I learned that at salsa...) midnight with Basti in the living room. After that we started homework. I still had some notes left for my
I went to bed at 2. Basti at 3. And at 8:15 we were at the decision analysis lab again. We were again very successful, although we were so tired. And we needed again 4 hours, before we left the room, but we did not work all the time, because we had to wait before the swedish students stopped to chat with the lecturer so we could ask questions to work on. This time had not to think about a book. Arrived at home Basti and I had to think about lunch. Rice or pasta. And we were so fed up with this limited decision, that we decided to cook something very good. Well he cooked. But he has to, because his creations are very tasty. We went to ICA bought some fries. Fries. The first time after month. He cooked chicken and vegetables in addition to the fries. In the afternoon I finished my assignment. I did not write about the missing last three chapters of the book, but I was fed up with that. I reached the limit of 5 pages anyway.
In the evening Phil and I went to Ulli's birthday party. It was really nice (thanks for the punch!). We were just a few people sitting on the couch and were talking all the time. I showed Phil my last experiments on making pictures: (long) time exposure. The disadvantage of flashlight is, that you lose atmosphere and colors. But the disadvantage of time exposure is, that your motive and you have to stand still for a moment or even seconds. He
experimented a little bit and when he made a time exposure picture from Nikola and Ulli a flashlight from Markus "disturbed" the time exposure from the right. The result was amazing. The flash illuminated the motive, but because of the time exposure, the colors are very good, especially the backgroundcolors. And, because of the flash, the motive during the flash overlaps the noise of moving by the motive during the time exposure. Phil did and will experiment further. I am very interested in his next results.

In the evening was salsa course. The balance between girls and boys was even (5 to 5). I was the only non-swedish person there! Therefore Julio (teacher) spoke swedish almost all the time. In the beginning I understood not much, but in the end I was able to follow the instructions and understood even some of his jokes. In the end he said "Nästa gången är sista gången salsa" (The next time is the last time salsa). I was so proud having understood this important information. He said, we would earn diplomas, but I am not sure if this was a joke. But it would be pretty. I tould Gema, if I would earn a diploma for salsa, I would be a miracle: salsa dancer and german in one person. She agreed. In the evening I sat until almost (-> another thing I finally learned at salsa: 'nästan' betyder 'almost' på svenska; guess why I learned that at salsa...) midnight with Basti in the living room. After that we started homework. I still had some notes left for my
