The salsa party was good. I had expected more, but all in all it was good and we had our fun. I came home at 1am in the morning. Basti and I had laboratory at the following morning, but we felt better than we had feared. Laboratories practical exercises which has to been done. Luckily we are allowed to do it in small teams, so Basti an I can work together. In the evening was salsa lesson, again. Basti and I came 10 minutes too late. And guess what: there were only 5 boys! No girls! Damn! After another 10 minutes 3 other boys and 5 girls arrived. Very funny. The good thing: because we were oly 5 pairs, our trainer were able to help each of them. The bad thing: three men always had to dance alone. As you can see, I had fun with salsa at two days in a row and I would have had three (every friday: salsa party at Liquid Bar!!!), if Basti and I would not have had another idea.

During the salsa party on wednesday Basti and I had decided to go to the biathlon world cup in Östersund on friday (yesterday). To reach the women sprint in time we had to take the train at 7:45 in the dark and cold friday morning. We felt even earlier, becaue we had forgotten the time the night before while sitting in the living room with Dennis until 2:30am. As you can imagine Basti and I slept during our journey to Östersund a lot. After having arrived at Östersund we made our way to the camping area. It was my third time there this year. Because we did not know the busses we traveled by foot the long way to the biathlon arena. We missed the right way and walked a wrong way to the stadion and stand suddenly next to

accomodations of the teams. Every way was watched by securities, but not the way we took. At the tribune we met Felix and Sandra from Sundsvall. I was very suprised seeing them. And we decided that we need flags on our skins and went to a place at the stadion were we could paint ourselves. Prepared we enjoyed the race. At the beginning it was very thrilling, but after a while I lost the overview, because starting, shooting and finnishing happened at once so I did not know exactly were to look first. That's the good thing on looking it on television at home, because you do not realize if you miss something. But in the end the thrill was back when Martina Glagow run to the goal. She had a chance for the third place and was one of the latest starters. And it was so close! I always switched my view between the big television screen at the stadion where you could see the time and between the real scene just a few meters in front of me. The thrill was unbelievable and she made it with 0.1 sec faster than the fourth! Incredible! I love this sport. It is almost always that close.

a a But I was suprised how "small" and "ordinary" this event is. It couldbe a usual local sport event like from a smal town at home. After Olofson had missed one of the first three places all the swed left thestadion and only 100 people stayed to see the congratulations to thewinners. In television everything looks huge and you can always seelot of people. Yesterday you could see it, too, but it were alwaysthe same people! And the athletes look like usual persons. It was very interesting to see. The pictures in newspapers look always likehuge celebration in each end of a race. But it was really small. Just a few flowers, the first three winners stand on small steps and a fewphotographers took pictures. Very funny. If you have seen thecelebration on television you should have seen me. I stood in thefirst line of the audience. Watch my

The rest of the day I was very tired. I don't exactly why. Perhaps because of so much fresh air. Perhaps because of it is still cold and there is a lot of wind in Östersund. At the evening we watched a movie at Ingas cottage. And thanks to Malgosia I even had finally a bed to sleep.
On saturday morning I stood up and went out for Lilsjön ("Small lake"). I finally found it, but I lost my self back in town and needed 2 hours to find the camping area. Our train was late during our way back. So it just skipped our station (Västra stationen) to get to the centralstationen in time. And Basti and I had to run for the bus back to Nacksta.

In the evening we celebrated Annas birthday. It was not a loud but a nice party. I guess she like more loudly, but I hope, she enjoyed like we did anyway.
Phil has the most important pictures, of couse.
Tomorrow we will look for the chrismas market in Sundsvall Norra Berget. And I will have breakfast at Phil's place. I hope I can reach in time.