I am facing the last night in my room. My books and clothes are already packed. And I started the cleaning. I still have to wash dishes and to wipe the flat. I phoned a long time with Basti last night. I told me to watch the pictures I made during his cleaning session four weeks ago for having a reference what to care all about. Although I just move two buildings further, it feels like ending an epoch. A lot of memories are connected with this flat. With the living room. With the sofa. With the view out of the windows. But there will be another living room, another sofa and another amazing view. There I will experience the rising of the summer and the end of erasmus. Because my window will lead to northwest I will have direct sunshine in my room after midnight in a few month. Hard to imagine looking at the current weather. Tomorrow at 3pm will be my inspection. At thursday I will receive my new keys. After the unpredictable changes during the last 6 month I cannot assume, how long I w...
Erasmus in Sundsvall.
8th August 2006 - 20th February 2008