On monday morning at quarter past 12am Basti's taxi left. Until than we were sitting in the kitchen. After he had finished his luggage Dennis, Basti and me emptied the wodka we started the night before our biathlon-adventure in november. This was how the old community ended. In good company.
This morning I went only to university for buying a book from another student: "Algorithms in C++". It's a bible for algorithms and datastructures. After that I went back home, sleeping and working on the assignment for Artificial Intelligence. The first assignment is funny. I have to implement a robot that clean efficiently a room. It has a sensor for detecting walls infront of him and a sensor for detecting dirt under itself. When I read this I had to remember my beginnings of programming from now on 10 years ago. It was my 8th class at school and my first computer science lessons. We learned PASCAL with "Niki, the robot" (at that time as a DOS-application). And this robot had the same abilities as my robot now shall have. That's funny. But my room looks even more simple than Niki's rooms. But I have problems with the language. I have to use C++. Anything else would not be a problem, but this programming language feels... uncomplete. All the time, I have to fix links and formalities. It is so annoying. I have ideas for the algorithms, datastructures and so on (everything that needs creativity), but I have to struggle with the environment. It is quite obvious why somebody had to invent Java. But I wonder why I even with the modern VisualStudio I have so much limited aid from the tool I use to program. With the same tool I can program C# with a lot of usefull features. But by selecting C++ the features are turned off. Perhaps they want to frustrate C++ developers for becoming C# programmers.
After hours I were finally able to implement a first version of a sample room. The robot is also almost ready to make it's first steps. At the picture you can see the sample room. My robot was almost able to walk (I think), but I stopped going on, because I wanted to watch a movie at Jonny's place. We watched "The constant gardener". A strong movie, but nothing to get good moot. After the movie was finished nobody said anything.
When I arrived back at my appartment my flatmates, Nawelle and I had a sponatnous tea at our living room. Tomorrow I will have class at 10. And I still have to write swedish assignments until tomorrow.

When I arrived back at my appartment my flatmates, Nawelle and I had a sponatnous tea at our living room. Tomorrow I will have class at 10. And I still have to write swedish assignments until tomorrow.