Wednesday and thursday where only university days. My robot can walk now from A to B and reacts properly to simple obstacles. But he has a problem with bigger obstacles. Those, who are interested in it: I covered the pathfinding algorithm from the algorithm for Bresenham-lines and added some simple reactions to obstacles. But I think I have to redesign it, because of the big-obstacle-problem. He needs a memory where he has already been on his path and he needs to calculate the path before he starts to walk on it.
On friday I did nothing special. I phoned StuBo for moving to 16B, I could only speak on a recorder. Better luck next time. I also contacted my home university for some bureucracy stuff. I guess this will never end until I would leave Germany. Not that I plan to do it (I hear the rumors arising again). But I hate this German behaviour first to think about rising for denying service. For my financial support from the state, I need two applications from the university. But the department of my university pretence for not knowing me, because I am not listed on a paper. Instead of looking into the computer system they send my brave Hans (thank you!!!) away. In Sweden it is totally different. I can go to several offices at the university asking applications. They are connected to one central system and have all information they need to help me. The biggest difference to Germany: they want to help me.
In the evening Nawelle invited me to a baskelball-match. Sundsvall has won against Öresund, but I liked Öresund more than Sundsvall. They commited less fouls and played with a better technique.
Afterwards a private (salsa-) party started at town. A salsa-lesson was included and Julio, our teacher, had a lot to do. I did not participated the exercises, this time, but I am looking forward to next thursday where the advanced course starts. I can only remember the basic steps. Julios friend made a "punch". I thought it is a punch, but it was more related to the german word "panschen". It tasted well, but after I have seen how it was made I did not want anymore. It was wodka with juice. Alright. But it was also the rest of forgotten beer cans and what ever was standing around in the kitchen. Bon appetit.
Today I slept very long unwilling to get out of my bed. Tonight I will have my second swedish partylife-experience.
In the evening Nawelle invited me to a baskelball-match. Sundsvall has won against Öresund, but I liked Öresund more than Sundsvall. They commited less fouls and played with a better technique.
Today I slept very long unwilling to get out of my bed. Tonight I will have my second swedish partylife-experience.
Ich weiss zwar nicht was "Bresenham-lines" sind, aber hat du fuer deinen routen planer mal A* search gedacht?
Der kann dir wirklich schnell einen weg van A nach B planen, und es ist auch einfach zu implementieren. (Am besten mit Manhatten distance als under-estimate)
Viel spass damit
A*search haben wir erst diese Woche gelernt, der Roboter aber schon längst eingereciht. Ich weiß aber auch nicht, ob der Simple-Agent mit so einem Algorithmus nicht schon überqualifiziert gewesen wäre ;)