Yesterday was the inofficial start of the 3rd erasmus semester because Jens arrived as the first of the new students. He even participated at the EILC in Falun! And guess what, he's our new flatmate! The main part of the new students will come this week. That the new students arrive means also that the last from the 1st and 2nd will leave. Today it was Benjamin's turn. The only good thing is that from now on there won't be less students in Nacksta than today.
Jens and I brought Benjamin to the trainstation and walked back through the town. In the afternoon we will maybe walk to Sidsjön and at night we will check Sundsvall's pubs. For the 3rd erasmus semester has begun.
Jens and I brought Benjamin to the trainstation and walked back through the town. In the afternoon we will maybe walk to Sidsjön and at night we will check Sundsvall's pubs. For the 3rd erasmus semester has begun.
schöne grüße aus der verregneten römerstadt. gerade jetzt hätte ich lust auf abchillen in schweden. vielleicht ein bisschen blaubeeren sammeln... achja... :-(
Tja, was kann man hier schönes machen... an den See fahren, Wandern, an den Strand fahren, Baden, Schwimmen, Planschen, Radfahren, Gammeln, sich Bräunen, Langmachen, Biber gucken, Elche gucken, Sonnenuntergang gucken, lange Schlafen, Bummeln, Shoppen, Seele baumeln lassen oder einfach in den Urlaub fahren. Aber Trier ist bestimmt auch toll. Bestimmt. Man muss nur suchen *knuddel Malgosia*
Ich werd für Dich zwei Beeren mitsammeln :)