What a weekend. Friday I watched "The Ring" with Christian and Maritha. And for getting down after the movie we watched Scream3. Saturday was a soccer-tournament in the Nacksta sportshall. When we entered the hall and watched the other teams we realzied immediately "Damn, they know how to play". So we started straight away we tactical plans. "Ok, first, with which foot do you shoot" - "Right" - "I as well right" - "Right, too" - "Don't know, I never kicked a ball before"... We were definitely the team with the most fun. We laughed so much. More and more werid tactics arised. From playing in a circle, so everybody can shot with the right foot, to Eileen's scare-tactic which should not explained in detail here. After three matches we were out, but we won at least the second. During the second game in injured somehow my ankle. I have no idea when and how, but I skipped for that reason the last match. The girls helped out in other teams as well, because other teams did not have enough members. And of course: in the last game Maritha injured her ankle badly. *Knack* - *ouch* - hospital. The procedure in the hospital was surprisingly easy. I always had heard how bad the Swedish health-care system works and how unqualified the medical personal is educated. But everything went well. After two hours the ankle has been checked and x-rayed. If it was sufficient, we will see, but at least it went faster than expected and without big discussions. My own ankle got worse during the evening. At the Feuerzangenbowle in the evening Christian and I figured out that we both had the same problem with our ankles. How ironic. We both brought Maritha with Ole to the hospital. 3 injured ankles, but we only checked hers and tried not show that we have pain as well. But at least ours are (almost) right on Monday again. And I forgot my winter boots in the dressing room. Now they are lost. 4 days before Kiruna. Maritha is walking on Anna's crutches now. With spikes, what is absolutely necessary. Because two nights after the amazing pouder-snow it began to rain and stayed constantly above 0 degrees. All the snow became to water-mudd. High enough to keep the water, but not hard enough to carry your foot, so you have wet feet after one step. It is quite slippery. Winter boors would be handy.
The last day in Sweden went pretty well. After the morning I was finished with everything I had to fix. I brought back all my books to the library, picked up my copies of my diploma thesis, picked up the last stuff from my office, said good bye to Aron, changed my address at the Skatteverket, canceled my bank account and was back at Nacksta before 2pm. At 7pm I've been at Norrmalms and helped Marlies and Annemiek baking appelflappen . But I was rather useless than an effective support. Especially at half past 7 when my last Friends episode in Sweden started. The last for me. Since 8 I was sitting in the basement waiting for people. I do not know exactly when, but I think the first arrived at 9. And it was really nice. And I got the nicest present I could imagine. Well, I could not imagine it before! It is a memory game with pictures of all student from last semester. No picture is twice, so the game is about finding two different pictures of the same person. It even has a box title...
Gute Besserung euch allen!
na denn gute besserung und einen schönen nikolaus-abend!