Last night I did not sleep that much. Maybe 3 hours. This morning I found out, that I counted too less working hours over the past three months, so I earned far less money than I deserved. Well, now I know it better.
At 9 had to be at university, for an advertisment for the university's master programs. Haukes was there as well. He slept as much as I, but he still suffered from a hangover. But this movie was fun. We had to dress up in costumes and walked around in the clean room. It was the perfect job for that moment. We got told what to do and had just to follow orders. Very easy. Next Tuesday is the next and last movieday. I am looking forward to the result. When I arrived, Kevin, the director and teacher for the media-courses, looked at me and asked "Are you Markus? I remember your face". The he listed a movie and a salsa-interview I had particpiated in. I am impressed. Either he does not look so many movies or he has an excellent memory for statists whose biggest role last 5 seconds.

No, actually he remembered this rat-tail-movie from the semester before yours where I had a scene of 3 seconds or something. Don't ask me why, because the role in your movie was much better, of course :)
Stor kram, Markus