Monday 10th December
After breakfast we went back to the river watching the southern horizon were sun passed somewhere without rising enough to be visible. Stefan and Jens tried crosscountry skiing, but the equipment was so bad that they gave it up after half an hour. Therefore we went into the woods instead. It was such a fun! We played children in deep pouder snow like. We wrote "ERASMUS" in huge letters into the snow and Stefan, Jens and Ralf lifted Christian on their shoulders for giving him a better shot with his camera on the sign. We raced on hand and feet through deep snow and made funny group pictures realizing afterwards we are not playing on a snow covered field but a frozen lake. To get back before darkness we turned after a while arriving back at the camp in time for lunch. Like the dinner of the day before it was reindeer with pasta, but this time the meat wasn't smoked.

Afterwards we cleaned the cottage as good as possible and waited for our scout. He drank first some sprit with his fellows of the camp. The fellows were all a little bit strange. Nice, funny, but really strange. We guess, that you become crazy if you live in the wilderness like this, seeing every day new people telling them everyday the same storys. They even repeated themselves after a few minutes, not realizing we heard the story already moments before. They were living stereotypes of guys who live in the woods. They had a rugh humor more loud and rude, but for a day amazing to listen.

Our guide brought us back over the river and it took an eternitiy until he lined all the dogs in front of the sledges. It was so cold and everybody was running, jumping, and dancing somewhere to procude some heat. The way back I sat only on a sledge behind a snow mobile. Only the last kilometers I sat on a dog sledge. It was so cold. Although everything was amazing to experience I was already looking forward to the warm hotel. But our scout miscalculated our departure. He ordered only two taxis (one less than the day before) although we were two more people. Jens, Christian, Anne and I had to wait with a few others until our guide brought us to our hotels.
For dinner we had pancakes. Delicious. Again 1kg bacong has been eaten and from the 30 eggs only a few remained. The whole night we drank, played card and drinking games and talked about the past days. At one point Marta discovered northern lights and we went out again. And this time it was almost like in last year in Sundsvall. Less and still slower, but right above us with moving pulses weeping over a half cloudy sky.
We played on until 4 in the morning before we finally went to bed.

We played on until 4 in the morning before we finally went to bed.