Saturday 8th December
We arrived half past ten in Kiruna. And it was already amazing when we left the train. Poudersnow everywhere. Stefan called us a taxi and as usual for him, it did not even take 20 seconds until the taxi arrived for picking us up. A few minutes later we arrived at our hotel-complex. Our accomodation was amazing. It was an appartment in a house. How the other appartments look like, I don't know, but ours was equivilant to a Nacksta flat. Big and everything you need. 3 bedrooms (3,2,2 person), a big kitchen, a big living room, 2 bathrooms, and a storage room.
The first we did was cooking lunch: Christian's pasta was tasty as always and just a start to several eating-session as tasty as unhealthy. Eating statistics by now: 2 kg pasta, several eggs and some bacon. Afterwards we booked taxis to the Icehotel. It was not really finished yet, but you could well imagine how it will look like. The finished rooms were already impressive. Back in our accomodation we cooked again. In shifts. Everybody did not have slept a lot during the train. I myself just an hour. We were lying in shifts on the sofas, taking a nap. And everytime somebody stood up another one took his place falling to sleep immidiately.

The dinner consisted of 5 kg potatoes. Potatoe salad and Spanish omlett, 1 kg bacon and 1 kg mayonaisse. So tasty. After dinner Christian, Jens and I made a walk having a lot of fun while diving through deep pouder snow. The evening we spend with playing cards and went to bed early. The next morning we were supposed to be picked up to the dogsledges at 9 and we had to catch up some sleep from the train.

Ich warte gespannt auf die Fortsetzung!