17th January
The night I turned 25 we had first a sittin in the italian flat. I left earlier back to my appartment for helping Maritha moving to Jens and me. At midnight Christian, Maritha and Jens surprised me with Jelly shots, a movie about my "thousand faces" and a selfmade accustic song by Jens! I think we were sitting two hours in the living room, watching pictures and telling stories.

The appartment next morning was a mess. After cleaning the statistics showed up three broken glasses, a small hole in a wall and a broken chair. But the new students committed a no-go: they drank all my alcohol. In the end of the party all my wine and beer was gone, but I did not drink it. Really not cool. And Kylie lost her spot at the bathroom door. But she is well and will move back as soon as I get some tape.