20th - 24th January

Short before the last of us leave we had our final trip. On Sunday morning we headed of to Vemdalen. 5 cars started at 7 in the morning in Nacksta. But except of Ole who did not have to refill gasoline 4 of us got already stucked at the gas station behind ICA Nacksta. Johan's car broke down and could not be repaired properly. In between the Corsa of the Marcos ran out of battery. First we planned to go by train to Östersund, but after midday we started with a rented car. In the meanwhile we heard that also Ole's car had some problems on the way to Vemdalen. They came off from the street, but except a spot in the car nothing serious seems to have happened.

Since we arrived to late in Vemdalen we skipped the first day skiing. The following days were amazing. I even took a black slope, only during night skiing. But it is still to steep for me. I almost fell every attempt. But I made it to the second mountain this year where the slopes are longer than on the beginner's mountain. Once I crashed into Marco and hurt muscles somewhere around my chest. Today sneezing, laughing and coughing still hurts, but it finally starts to become better.

Skiing itself was cool in the beginning. At the second or third day it sucked, because it seemed like I would not make any progress anymore, but after Maritha gave me some advices it was funa again. Like last year we made it go out only once: the last evening. The nights before we had partys in our amazing accomodation. Big living room, big kitchen with high tech equipment. We even had two 16:9 flat television hanging on the wall.
All in all it were unique holidays which I will remember for long. Although I was a little bit stupid to ski so much alone. Pictures by