This day was very wired. We knew we would drive to a place called "Boda Borg" (speak: "buda borje").
Hans welcomed us with the words "Now, we are taking you to the right place for you: a mental hospital!". Boda Borg was once a mental hospital, but was closed years ago. A few years ago unemployed people invented an adventure track. It is very crazy! The three l

evels: Green, Red and Black. Green for thinking, red for thinking and sports and black for a lot of sports. Every track has several rooms. If you enter a room, you have to find out what the inventors want you to do. You you find out, the green light above the door to the next room lightens. If you fail, a red light lightens and you have to exit and begin again. If you fail in the second, third or what-ever room you always have to begin at the first one. This is very hard! First we started the track called "Cave". There was a gollum from "Lord of the rings" painted at the wall, several silver and gold bars and a tunnel. We crawled through that tunnel und came into a small room with a silver and a gold bar each with a button and a counter. We tried the buttons and the counter were incremented. But we did not enter the right numbers, so we failed and had to leave through the exit. At the second try, we got the idea to count the silver and gold bars of the whole cave and used the amount of bars for the counters. And the green light for the second room lightend!! The second room was no room. It was a long but tiny tunnel we had to crawl through! That's nothing for claustrophpicals! I had several problems, because i am so tall. The tunnel led us upwards and we entered a room with a globe and several buttons, each with a flag... we made a lot of tracks and solved hard riddles. Some we did not solve. But Joana, our leader, has never given up so we had to do the exercises again and again until we solved the last room of a track were we unlocked a lock to a stamp. Our group was named "bodaborgs tomtarna" what means "Elves of Boda Borg" and our motto was "Allihoppa" what means "All together". At the end of the day, we had 6 stamps! Hans told us 3 or 4 would be normal. So we won the "competition", but at least at was a great fun.
Now there are 9 Boda-Borgs all over sweden, but we were at the original one. But that is nothing for export to Germany, because it would be too dangerous for secutiry loving Germans.

After Boda Borg we drove to a water powerplant where salomns jumped out of the water. In an aquarium they had really big salmons. I can never imagine any rope of the world can stand them.
You can see all pictures of this really crazy trip at
EILC2006 siteIn the evening Joana and Inga had the great idea to make a dinner party. Joana managed the kitchen. She's a genius while managing up to 4 pots, cutting vegetables by herself, taught untrained men like me how to cut vegetable and was making jokes at one time! She never made a break and after two hours dinner was ready for being eaten.

The party gone till four o'clock in the morning, but because of the hard exercises at Boda Borg i was so tired i went to bed at "klockan elva på kvällen" (11 o'clock at the evening).