Almost a week past since my last entry. So it is time for a summary:
At weekend we got visitors from Östersund. I enjoyed meeting my friends again. We visited Sundsvall, cooked together and ate and drank. Weekend past to quickly for me. It was far too short. But next weekends will be revivals, too.
The week started annoying. Bureaucracy everywhere. Damn annoying. But at least i got a contract from Mittuniversitetet for my master, so i will stay enrolled here until end of january 2008. Now i have to tell Aachen about my plans. I hope they won't try to stop me. I would like to make my diploma there as well my master here.
This week is the first week with free days. Tuesday and Thursday are/were free for me, because i had no lessons. But i still wonder how quick time passes. I remember my last year in Aachen and i did so many things on one day, always working, always in a hurry, but here... i don't know. At the end of day i just can count a view things i did during the day. But i have to hurry. The exams are coming closer. In Logic we lean "resolution". Another thing which is not taught in germany. And another thing you shouldn't think about. It's just a system of rules you have to apply, but not to think about. And the next deadline for organizational decision making comes closer, too. But i think positive. Everything will be good.
Now something about the weather: almost every evening am looking german tv-news together with Philipp. But the numbers on the german weather chart are totaly unkown to us. Twodigits? Without an algebraic sign? No, i am just kidding. It is not that hard, yet. Yesterday it was 8 degrees, but according to the weather service it shall be rising to 14 degrees during the weekend. Almost weather for wearing t-shirts. Almost. Because it's wet and cloudy, all the time. Yesterday we had a little bit sunshine. But in the evening the clouds came from the see, climbing slowly over Söda Berget covering Sundsvall. It was nice to look at, but now you cannot see more than a few hundred meters again.
A package from germany arrived today. A lot of suprises in it. As you can see, i am prepared for chrismas now.
My old dancing shoes were also inside the package. They will be tested this evening. Salsa, a-a-a!!!

At weekend we got visitors from Östersund. I enjoyed meeting my friends again. We visited Sundsvall, cooked together and ate and drank. Weekend past to quickly for me. It was far too short. But next weekends will be revivals, too.
The week started annoying. Bureaucracy everywhere. Damn annoying. But at least i got a contract from Mittuniversitetet for my master, so i will stay enrolled here until end of january 2008. Now i have to tell Aachen about my plans. I hope they won't try to stop me. I would like to make my diploma there as well my master here.

My old dancing shoes were also inside the package. They will be tested this evening. Salsa, a-a-a!!!