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Showing posts from March, 2007


Friday I went to town during the morning for buying a mask for the evening. Because of Magda's and Fedde's birthday, there was a mask-party at 18b. The party was pretty cool! The only official pictures made Philipp . For all others, you have to member of facebook. Tonight will be a salsa-party. I have slight headache, don't know why. For sure not from the party, because I already had it before. It feels like weather-headache. I hope, I will overcome it until tonight.

I'm on Fire

Somehow I am very happy at the moment. I guess, it is the spring. Something has changed in my mind and I am happy without any reason. I enjoy the sun while walking to university. I have my camera with me, because I suddenly received back my mood for looking for motives. Yesterday I prepared a presentation for swedish. It was about the EILC. First about what a EILC is and afterwards about the EILC of last august. It was a presentation of Philipp, Ulrich and me and we presented our experience and some picutes at the todays swedish class. Although we did not prepare the speech it took just a few moments after we were back in the EILC-feeling and able to tell some stories even if it was in swedish. Yesterday I made a walk through the woods at norra berget. I have never been there before, but is nice there. Because it is surrounded by Sundsvall you cannot get lost and there exist a lot of ways. I even saw some deer. And I came through Granholmen. It is a part of Sundsvall and on the other s...

Jetzt ist Sommer

Done! Today I finished my home exam. It was the worst I ever had to write. Every exercises base on assumption instead on knowledge. Nobody of the course knows how to solve a question. But I was just fet up with this stuff, so I send it in, after I had everything done. I had 5 hours left, but I did not see any chance to improve the paper. The last exercise I worked on today was a discussion about knowledge, uncertainty and risk in business and society decisions. I am so sick of this theorizing. Always talking about possible problems, but there is no application and no try to solve a problem. My disappointment about this theorizing influenced my discussion. I advised in my conclusion to use some practical things like knowledge engineering and risk management instead of theorizing further in a way "oh, that is unsure, and here is something unclear, but we could do this, but also the opposite...". Hopefully it is something the lecturers want to hear. But no matter how this exam e...


This time changing is sometimes really frustrating. I was sitting at my laptop last night, writing my blog entry. And after a little while it was already half past three! According to this loss of an hour I slept until 12 today. After "breakfast" I went to university for studiing with my fellow sufferers for the home exam. We do not have any certain clue about the solutions and everybody has a slightly different opinion how to solve the exercises. Even about our own topics we can give certain informations. Now I have a rough collection of some ideas. I will think about them and choose the way that sounds most reasonable to me. The weather is still great! Blue sky and sunshine. After my return from university I rest half an hour on the balconey enjoying the last warm moments of the sun today. Technology is something wonderfull. Philipp sit on the balconey with his laptop, solving assignments and listening to german radio. Now I will try to find some certain informations about ...

Tragic Comic

"At least the bartenders should be worth the entrance..." Forget the Kårhuset. I do not know what is up with this house. Perhaps it is the duration of my abroad that I experience the Kårhuset as boring now. But wasn't it more fun last semester? The parties were bigger and I was almost never bored. And now... just one good party at Kårhuset in 3 month. That's weak. Philipp and me feel like getting old. The new erasmus students tried their best to party the house, but we were tired and sit in the restaurant watching Oasis unplugged on television. For me it was the optimum of getting fun at the Kårhuset this night. The one picture shows me when I try to call Spain when Oasis played "Wonderwall" as last song of the concert... The saturday itself was very nice. As always I had my laundry from 11 to 14 o'clock. After that I slept a little bit, had a tea with Selene and Sarah, cleaned with Philipp our flat and ate original italian pizza as dinner with Selene, S...


The week only contained of work. Every day I went to university quite early and worked on the exam. On wedenesday I became very angry about the confusion of this exam, but then I received an email from my lecturer: "Don't worry about your results, just explain how you got there". That's better. I do not know, how I have to do it, but I will choose the most likely way and explain why I used it and what I will do with the result. Now I have finished ca. 50% of the exam after 50% of the time I have. On thursday I had a swedish test. Philipp and me learned one hour for it, but it in the end it was just a little essay about our best holiday. I have chosen my first scandinavien trip in 1993 , where we spend 4 weeks in a caravan and visited whole scandinavien and Finland. Again a few students are at Kiruna this weekend, but there are still opportunities to party. Perhaps we will go to Kårhuset tomorrow. The motto of the tomorrow's party is "Reeperbahn" and wil...


On friday night I went to the Kårhuset with Philipp, Ulrich, Sebastian and Petter and watched a really bad ice-hockey match. As always Timrå against Modo. And Timrå lost what led to an additional match on sunday. Timrå earned the loss on friday. They played really bad. But I am no ice-hockey fan at all. I am not the fan of tacklings and prefer fast technical matches. After the match Ulrich, Sebastian, Petter and me went on to Skeppsbro to collect some good mood (=beer) after the match. At half past 12 we left for home. Saturday morning was laundry time, again. Since I have now these fixed washing dates I am really wasting my clothes. I needed three machines with clothes of one week. In the evening was Malin's birthday. She's a friend of Julia and we met weeks before with Philipp for playing cards. I was the only non-swedish and I had to conzentrate to follow the stories, but it was good. I liked it and it was a nice difference to the usual weekend events. I met many interesting...

Walking on Sunshine

On wednesday I joined the Kårhuset watching the icehockey match Timrå-Modo. Timrå won and leads now with 3-2 in matches. If they win today, they passed this round and will go for the semi final. Icehockey is not one of my favorite sport, but watching it with friends is very nice and far better than sitting at home. On thursday we listen to a presentation about Midsommar in Sweden. Afterwards I had to sing with Ella the "Små grodorna"-song. You think, that's embarrasing? It depends on the scale for measuring embarrasements. We all had to dance "Små grodorna" while singing it. I was used to it. On the first day at the EILC we had to sing it, too, like "Pippi Långstrump". At that time swedish was for me just a cloud of sounds (the difference today is, that I sometimes understand those sounds). Since the lesson on thursday, I know the correct lyrics of this "song". And I realize, that I sang it totally wrong when I tried to repeat the sounds las...

SAAM 2007

Monday evening Goska, the last of our students, arrived. Because it was too late for getting keys, she slept at our living room for one night. During tuesday Goska and I walked a lot through Sundsvall. First we went to university for picking up some stuff and papers for her. Back at Nacksta we visited StuBo for receiving her keys, but because the contract was at Mitthem, we took the bus to town. There she signed the contract and we made a small tour thourgh the town searching for an ethernet-cable and opening a bank account. And we visited Skattverket for changing my address to 16b. Since tuesday afternoon Goska has her own room. Welcome to Sweden! In the evening I cooked for my flatmates and drank tea with them and Nawelle. But it was not my only drink this night, because I had my first original good-night-beer since beginning of february! Internet is a very beautiful invention . Now Basti needs a webcam. And beer, next time. Or we both need a bottle of wine. It was a really nice nigh...

Don't Give Up

Sunday was not as lazy as I had assumed it. Spontanous Philipp, Nawelle and I joined for a walk to Sidsjön in the afternoon. On our way we came along with a sign to a path called "Klissberget". This was the way Phil and me had chosen once 3 month ago (oh my god, it's already quarter of a year since I have been on an adventure trip). And we could not resist this time, too. Encouraged by daylight we walked the path this time and were even able to follow the signs. But while the snow in Sundsvall is melting it consists in the wood. We walked tiny pathes and the snow was really deep. Deeper then the height of my knee. And my boots could not resist the water for ever. After a while we reached the top of mountain. There was even a sign pronouncing a height of 219 meters. For me it was also a sign, that we have followed a civilzed path and not only the way of some forest workers. A second sign showed to another path "Klissberget 1.6 km". But because it was already 4pm...


Although I had a short night, I took my laundry in the morning. Just for going to bed afterwards again being prepared for the evening. There I got to know the "new Ulli". Her name is Sebastian, is in fact a man and likes cosy beer. Therefore Philipp, Sebastian, Ulrich and me went to Skeppsbrokällaren instead of the pyjama-party at 18A and enjoyed the really good music and the cosy beer. At midnight we started for the Kårhuset, but it was not that good. We should have stayed at Skeppsbro, but for just two hours, Kåren was acceptable. We had Jonnys car, but we were 8 people, so Ulrich, Sebastian and me had to walk, because the girls had only their pyjamas. When I've been at ICA at Nacksta, my mobile ringed. On the phone where one well known voice singing "LaFuga - Mendigo" for me. At half past two at night! I am really happy about this suprise. Gracias Gema&Cris! Te quiero, España! And the night was still not over. We went on to the pyjama party and stayed the...

I Don't Feel Like Dancing

At the moment weeks pass very fast (haha, at the moment pass weeks... never mind). Wednesday and friday I made free lazy days. Thursday was an interesting day at university. It started with the AI laboration in VisualProlog. VisualProlog is different to the SWI-Prolog I learned in Germany two years ago. It has declaration parts for domains, predicates, funtions and some other things. We had to implement a program which gives an advise what to do with money (spare or risk it). It was not very difficult and I finished after two hours. The remaining time I learned swedish adjectives at the library, because I fear of being forced to rewrite the test I missed two weeks before. But I had not to. But Ella told us about the decision of MidSweden University not offering any EILC 's anymore. This does not effect me, but it is very sad. I would not be the one I am, if I would not have participated in this course and I believe that there are unassessable profits growing out of these courses. T...

English Man in NewYork

During the sunday I staid at home trying to revive from saturday. Monday morning I went to university just for realizing that my lesson is on tuesday. But I staid there and worked on my second AI assignment. For those who are interested: it is about the wolf-sheep-cabbage-river-problem. Wolf, sheep, cabbage and farmer are at one side of a river. The farmer has a boat and wants to get every creature to the other side of the river, but the boat can only hold him and one creature. How should he solve his problem while the wolf would eat the sheep and the sheep would eat the cabbage if the farmer is not with them (don't ask me, why he takes care of the wolf...). As with the robot-exercise before, the story is just bluff. The solution for this problem has to be found with a breath-first-search. And because I was upset with C++ I used Java this time, because I know the libraries and datastructures. At C++ I would have had to implement lists by my own (according to a pattern given by the ...

Why Not Smile

One week before I was so clever to book a laundray with my old keys. Therefore I had to wait 45 minutes until I could conquer my own laundray room. After the washing session Philipp and I went to LIDL and spend 3 hours in town. That's quite funny. A whole afternoon journey just for buying some ordinary stuff. But from now on we will do it more often. In the evening was a party at Kårhuset. And for the first time since weeks it had the right amount of guests so it was fun to stay there. The following after-party at the french flat is also an interesting memory. As usual, the most important pictures has Phil . Because I got home only at 7am, I felt tired whole sunday. Except from a walk to the ICA I did not leave the flat. But my flatmates and me had a cake together during the afternoon and in the evening Phil and I had dinner. Tomorrow I have one of my last AI lessons. And I have only one week left before my home exam in decision analysis will start. I will be glad when this is over...

Dieses Leben

On tuesday evening I really cleaned the flat and it took the whole evening. But afterwards I was quite satisfied with the result. For avoiding new dirt I did only it one of Basti's polish instant soups. I planned to clean my own room at the next day after my mornings lesson. But suprisingly there was a afterparty of a few hours in my flat during the night (I did not participate in person, but I could hear every word). Therefore I missed the alarm-clock and the lesson. Instead I cleaned the flat (again), got rid of the smell of alcohol and had my inspection at 3pm. This time the inspector had nothing to complain. I staid the rest of the wednesday at the living room trying to avoid working on my seminar presentation. But I could not escape. At 2am I slept. On thursday the seminar itself was senseless, I think. I guess, nobody understood what the other was talking about. The problem was, that we had to talk about business topics, but we are all computer scientists, so we do not unders...