During the sunday I staid at home trying to revive from saturday. Monday morning I went to university just for realizing that my lesson is on tuesday. But I staid there and worked on my second AI assignment. For those who are interested: it is about the wolf-sheep-cabbage-river-problem. Wolf, sheep, cabbage and farmer are at one side of a river. The farmer has a boat and wants to get every creature to the other side of the river, but the boat can only hold him and one creature. How should he solve his problem while the wolf would eat the sheep and the sheep would eat the cabbage if the farmer is not with them (don't ask me, why he takes care of the wolf...). As with the robot-exercise before, the story is just bluff. The solution for this problem has to be found with a breath-first-search. And because I was upset with C++ I used Java this time, because I know the libraries and datastructures. At C++ I would have had to implement lists by my own (according to a pattern given by the lecturer). Because I switched to Java I've been able to finish the program in short time. I hope, he will accept it. On thursday I will have my fourth lab exercise in AI (the third is homework, based on the second; I hope I can reuse the java program). And suprisingly it will be in
VisualProlog! That's quite cool. I am more familiar with Prolog than with C++. And you usually do not have to think about datastructures and so on. You just have to conzentrate on the algorithm. I guess, this will be more fun than the former assignments.
The winter is quite warm. The snow is melting, but during the night we received a new centimeter. But because it melts during the day and freezes again during the night, you have ice everywhere. Today it is not that bad, because of fresh snow on it, but yesterday it was sometimes difficult no to fall.