This time changing is sometimes really frustrating. I was sitting at my laptop last night, writing my blog entry. And after a little while it was already half past three! According to this loss of an hour I slept until 12 today. After "breakfast" I went to university for studiing with my fellow sufferers for the home exam. We do not have any certain clue about the solutions and everybody has a slightly different opinion how to solve the exercises. Even about our own topics we can give certain informations. Now I have a rough collection of some ideas. I will think about them and choose the way that sounds most reasonable to me.

The weather is still great! Blue sky and sunshine. After my return from university I rest half an hour on the balconey enjoying the last warm moments of the sun today. Technology is something wonderfull. Philipp sit on the balconey with his laptop, solving assignments and listening to german radio.
Now I will try to find some certain informations about prospect theory and value-at-risk. What a fun.