Today was a company fair (called SAAM) at university. It's like bonding in Aachen.First I thought as always my only profit from such an event would be some candy. Lipstick from Handelsbanken, a banana from LIDL and so on. But I tried to contact the IT companies. At the beginning I was a little bit disappoint. I tried 5 companies. 3 had a nice presentation of themself. 4 of them did not seem to be interested in me. One even did not speak english. The woman told it would be difficult to get into the company with english. I wonder how long an IT-company can survive without english speaking members. But as long as plants are growing in Sweden, this company will survive. It develops software for forest-companies. What a stereotype... But the last company were really interesting. They even establish a thesis program at their company for next autumn. They said, I would be interesting for them, because of my finished studies and my work at Fraunhofer last year. While the other companies advised me to suggest them a topic, these will probably give me one. I am very happy having met them, because the conversation was very positive.