On wednesday I joined the Kårhuset watching the icehockey match Timrå-Modo. Timrå won and leads now with 3-2 in matches. If they win today, they passed this round and will go for the semi final. Icehockey is not one of my favorite sport, but watching it with friends is very nice and far better than sitting at home.
On thursday we listen to a presentation about Midsommar in Sweden. Afterwards I had to sing with Ella the "Små grodorna"-song. You think, that's embarrasing? It depends on the scale for measuring embarrasements. We all had to dance "Små grodorna" while singing it. I was used to it. On the first day at the EILC we had to sing it, too, like "Pippi Långstrump". At that time swedish was for me just a cloud of sounds (the difference today is, that I sometimes understand those sounds). Since the lesson on thursday, I know the correct lyrics of this "song". And I realize, that I sang it totally wrong when I tried to repeat the sounds last august.
The salsa in the evening was good as always. Because Julio came an hour too late Svea teached us this time. And she made a good job. Perhaps she made the pairs switching too early the partners, but that is something Julio also does. Salsa is a strange thing for me. I need 20 minutes until I feel warm with it, but after that time, I love it and I feel well the whole evening.
Today I had no class, again, so I went to town. The weather is still great and almost all snow is gone. I went to Myronar buying some clothes, because I am sick of my few clothes I am wearing since 8 month. Back at home Philipp and I had a brake on the balconey enjoying the last minutes of the sun and drinking a Cappuccino with choclate and cookies. Spring is coming. After the sunbath we received a call from spain at MSN. Greetings to Michael, Martin, Iman, Cris y querida Gema!
This evening I will go to the Kårhuset for the icehockey match, again. What will happen afterwards, I don't know. A lot of exchangers are in Kiruna this weekend. But I heard of a band at Kårhuset. And in every case, there is still Skeppsbrokällaren. We will see.
The salsa in the evening was good as always. Because Julio came an hour too late Svea teached us this time. And she made a good job. Perhaps she made the pairs switching too early the partners, but that is something Julio also does. Salsa is a strange thing for me. I need 20 minutes until I feel warm with it, but after that time, I love it and I feel well the whole evening.
