This day we visited the campus of mittuniversitetet at Östersund. It's very modern, similar to Sundsvall and the architecture is amazing again. Windows everywhere. The offices have even big windows to the corridors.
Nicola, Malgosia, Conny and i walked to the library to check mails. There we even met some others from the course and Martin's fellow-student, who showed us the campus and the city of Härnösand. After that, Nicola and i went shopping, to buy some equipment for her stuga. We even went into an junk-shop (german: Trödelmarkt), founding some magnets for hanging Nicola's family pictures at the fridge. But this shop was very... strange. You could get there everything. Books from 1927, radios from the 50's and so on. At the end, we found curtains for the windows, because the stugas at Östersund have none.
At the evening, we looked some videos at Malgosia's stuga. At the pictures, you can get an impression of the stugas at the camping area.
