Wow. I feel like being at home. Like every semester i missed the point everyone gets running. But this time i am not used to the settings. For example: i have a distance course, which means there will be no lecutre for it. The course is called: Ogranizational Decision Making. I am registered for the course, so i waited for an email or a message. Something like "Hej, welcome to the course, this is your exercise, let's got!". Yesterday (well now, the day before yesterday) i found at the webpage at the course the exercise. Since 4/9 i have time to summerize 3 chapters of a book called "Organizational Decision Making". I have time until 22/9. Shock. Today (well, now yesterday), i waited for the only available copy of the book at the library. It is a short loan book which means you can only loan it from 10-17 or from 17-10 o'clock. I went to the library at 15, the book was already there. They told me, if i would loan the book at 15 i have to bring it back at 17, but if i would wait one hour i could loan it until 10 next day. Okay, if you like... so i read another book at the library, the same i read the days before. This time a have even exercises to gain extra points for the exam. And this time the exercises were very compilcated. But a was on good way to solve and after quarter past 16 i borrowed my book until 10 tomorrow (well, now this morning). At home i worked further on the first book. At half past 22 i realized i was working at the wrong exercises. Arg, why does this always happen to me!!! The exercise i have to is much easier than the exercises i worked on before. My life. It cannot be true. But it is. It's me. *sigh* So i started the "new" exercise, but have not finished it until midnight. I will stand up at six o'clock for last mathematical proof. Before i went to bed i read a few pages at the short-loan book. It's hard to read, of course. And i would be glad if i would have time for one more week. And if i would have my own copy of the book. Man... And i cannot sleep either! I woke up every hour, everytime thinking about decision making and theory. "What was the difference between 'decision under risk' and 'decision under ignorance'?". Like a feverish-dream. At 3 o'clock i gave up and started my laptop for looking for decision theory at the internet. At the moment i am thinking for ordering the books from UK, but i should think about again tomorrow (well, soon) with a clear mind (well, perhaps not that soon). Until that, i will hear Seb's chill out music, trying to get tired. My lecture this morning will start at 8:15 and i should finish my exercises before. I like decision theory, but it's just i missed the point getting started gain. I hope, Jim (the lecturer) will accept my paper instead of an email, but i had no time to write this exercise at MS Word. But i think he will. I am not in Germany any more. Here in Sweden they use more common sense... until now (well, yesterday).
The last day in Sweden went pretty well. After the morning I was finished with everything I had to fix. I brought back all my books to the library, picked up my copies of my diploma thesis, picked up the last stuff from my office, said good bye to Aron, changed my address at the Skatteverket, canceled my bank account and was back at Nacksta before 2pm. At 7pm I've been at Norrmalms and helped Marlies and Annemiek baking appelflappen . But I was rather useless than an effective support. Especially at half past 7 when my last Friends episode in Sweden started. The last for me. Since 8 I was sitting in the basement waiting for people. I do not know exactly when, but I think the first arrived at 9. And it was really nice. And I got the nicest present I could imagine. Well, I could not imagine it before! It is a memory game with pictures of all student from last semester. No picture is twice, so the game is about finding two different pictures of the same person. It even has a box title...