Wow. I feel like being at home. Like every semester i missed the point everyone gets running. But this time i am not used to the settings. For example: i have a distance course, which means there will be no lecutre for it. The course is called: Ogranizational Decision Making. I am registered for the course, so i waited for an email or a message. Something like "Hej, welcome to the course, this is your exercise, let's got!". Yesterday (well now, the day before yesterday) i found at the webpage at the course the exercise. Since 4/9 i have time to summerize 3 chapters of a book called "Organizational Decision Making". I have time until 22/9. Shock. Today (well, now yesterday), i waited for the only available copy of the book at the library. It is a short loan book which means you can only loan it from 10-17 or from 17-10 o'clock. I went to the library at 15, the book was already there. They told me, if i would loan the book at 15 i have to bring it back at 17, but if i would wait one hour i could loan it until 10 next day. Okay, if you like... so i read another book at the library, the same i read the days before. This time a have even exercises to gain extra points for the exam. And this time the exercises were very compilcated. But a was on good way to solve and after quarter past 16 i borrowed my book until 10 tomorrow (well, now this morning). At home i worked further on the first book. At half past 22 i realized i was working at the wrong exercises. Arg, why does this always happen to me!!! The exercise i have to is much easier than the exercises i worked on before. My life. It cannot be true. But it is. It's me.
*sigh* So i started the "new" exercise, but have not finished it until midnight. I will stand up at six o'clock for last mathematical proof. Before i went to bed i read a few pages at the short-loan book. It's hard to read, of course. And i would be glad if i would have time for one more week. And if i would have my own copy of the book. Man... And i cannot sleep either! I woke up every hour, everytime thinking about decision making and theory. "What was the difference between 'decision under risk' and 'decision under ignorance'?". Like a feverish-dream. At 3 o'clock i gave up and started my laptop for looking for decision theory at the internet. At the moment i am thinking for ordering the books from UK, but i should think about again tomorrow (well, soon) with a clear mind (well, perhaps not that soon). Until that, i will hear Seb's chill out music, trying to get tired. My lecture this morning will start at 8:15 and i should finish my exercises before. I like decision theory, but it's just i missed the point getting started gain. I hope, Jim (the lecturer) will accept my paper instead of an email, but i had no time to write this exercise at MS Word. But i think he will. I am not in Germany any more. Here in Sweden they use more common sense... until now (well, yesterday).