Yesterday afternoon i slept until half past seven, because i did not know what to do. When i woke up everyone was gone! My luck. All the day long i am waiting for something to happen and when i sleep all are going to partys. But i phoned Phil who lead me the way to the others. First i met them in a club called "pipeline". There you can bring your own Mp3-Player to the DJ who will play your music. Because this club is also opened for older teenagers they sell no alcohol. That's a good thing, i think, because the swedish people cannot drink alcohol. Most of them drink to become drunk and not for having a nice evening/night. But at the "pipepline" nobody had a Mp3-Player so the DJ was playing annoying HipHop. Like in Germany, the youngsters love stupid HipHop, but here i haven't met one who did here something different. Poor Sweden. After the "pipeline" we walked to an irish pub and played dart.
And this pub was the first location in sweden where i could imagine to stay for a whole evening. The music was acceptable, sometimes good; so better than anything else here. I played dart for the first time. That's not true, exactly, i think. I can hardly remember a dart game at the "domizil"-pub at home. But this was years ago. Yesterday we played several times. Everytime i lost at first, but one time i won!!! I just was the lucky one, because our champion Johnny once missed the 20 three times. After the pub we went to the Liquid Bar, where i had been the evening before. But this time, the bar had more visitors.
We met our funny salsa teacher there. You can see all pictures at Phil's homepage, of course. I stayed there until half past one and went home alone. It is a very far way from the city. It feels like the way becomes longer everytime i walk it.
Because of this, i bought a bus card today on my way to the city. I bought also a view things in a bookstore. There i met a woman who helped translating the titles. I asked her, if she could translate it to english. She looked confused and asked if she could perhaps translate it to german. Okay! She told me, my accent sound german, so she had asked. My accent? The sweds always tell me, german-swedish sounds like swedish from Skåne or Småland. I don't know. She is actualy from Germany. She studied here and stayed here after study. Good to see, that this way is not impossible!
This evening there will be the biggest party of autumn at the kårhuset. I hope not to miss the others again.
Because of this, i bought a bus card today on my way to the city. I bought also a view things in a bookstore. There i met a woman who helped translating the titles. I asked her, if she could translate it to english. She looked confused and asked if she could perhaps translate it to german. Okay! She told me, my accent sound german, so she had asked. My accent? The sweds always tell me, german-swedish sounds like swedish from Skåne or Småland. I don't know. She is actualy from Germany. She studied here and stayed here after study. Good to see, that this way is not impossible!
This evening there will be the biggest party of autumn at the kårhuset. I hope not to miss the others again.