Today i stood up late. On my way to univertsity i passed Basti's room who needed little help with his network exercises. To my suprise had he to solve the same online tests i had to pass one year ago at my lecture for "LAN / WAN protocols". And i ever thought the testcenter was an invention of the FH Aachen. Now i suppose it's not, because the Mid Sweden University has it, too, but you can nothing see of the logo from FH-Aachen. As reward for my help i missed my lecture. Lucky i did, because one hour later my mobile phone ringed and my well expected visitors were standing infront of the door!
My parents and my dogs arrived on their holiday in Sweden visiting me! I am so happy. They brought a lot of things and now i will surely need a second bag on my way back to Germany. In the afternoon i showed them the campus. After they left for a camping area south of Sundsvall i did my homework. And now, i have even finished 2 chapter! The second was much better to read. It is about ogranizational decision making from a game-theoretical point of view. The two authors even did not write that complicated, but well structured and after every definition followed an example. I hope the last chapter will be similar, because there is just one (perhaps two, if i am allowed to count friday) day left for finishing it.