Although I was the whole day at the library reading wired stuff about decision support systems and getting 4 suggestions for master thesis, I am facing the most active week of my semester abroad. Since jogging on friday, climbing at Norra Berget at saturday, (wakling at sunday, ) BodaBorg at monday, jogging at tuesday, streetdance at wednesday, 3 hours salsa at thursday and Rock'N'Roll at friday. Today was the first streetdance lesson and where I faced old sins. Perhaps you know those situation from earlier days: your mother tells you to do more sport, but you don't always thinking about doing it somewhen later or you satisfy your bad conscience with two hours tennis a week, because you are not able to do real gymnastics. But after having started with dancing I need something new I would never have done at home. The streetdance lesson is one of this. I am sure, my body will hurt tomorrow at parts I never felt before. After the warm-up I've been already exhausted. Tendons to short, muscles untrained. Everytime when something did not fit I heard my mothers voice from teenager-years ("Train your dorsum" - "Stretch you strings" - "You sit too much infront of the computer"). Mothers are always right and fortune has memory for this natural law. One day you have to face it. Better you choose the date for this confrontation by your own.
After the warm-up came the streetdance. Of course I was too slow for getting everything in the first, second or third try, but I liked it anyway. Next week I will go again. Hopefully being able for making one more situp and with full control about my limbs even after the warm-up. If you want to join: Wednesdays, Kårhuset, upstairs (salsa room), 18:00 - 19:15, 35 SEK each lesson.
After having arrived home I took a Jive-lesson together with Anna from Philipp and Katharina for being a little bit prepared for Sorana's Rock'N'Roll-birthday-party on friday.