The new block has started and I am registered for my probably last course of my studies. It is a distance course an consists of writing an article about a self chosen topic. We have no guideline which topic to choose. Yesterday I read a few pages in a course-literature. It is a book from one of our lecturers. They should have advised us this book a few month before instead of this official literature. Because, when the lecturer wrote this thesis, he was a student, too, so it is written in an understandable way without redundance and therefore well readable. So I am reading and hoping for an idea. Today I thought reading stuff I already know does not make sense, so I borrowed another book about Applied Decision Support Systems. Because I am sick of theorizing I try to find something about solution process. Something that people can apply. I will read about that topic a few pages and believe that I will receive a topic-idea.

There did much happen else in the past days. At tuesday I had a nightwalk with Solene to Sidsjön and back with a cosy chat at Ulrich's place together with Markus, too. We drank some wine and laughed the whole night. I was at home at two or three o'clock.
Today we have storm in Sundsvall. We have blue sky, but the wind is very strong and makes it sometimes even difficult to walk. Because it did not rain for months (just snow week ago) there is a lot of dust on the streets from the stones they spread against the ice. Together with this wind you cannot sometimes open your eyes, because the sand hurt them.