I did not make much this week. I received an answer for my article topic. It is good, but I should focus on Decision Support Systems, because otherwise it would be too much. Decision Support Systems... the topic I wanted to scratch at last. I will go on Expert Systems pointing instead.

In the evening started the new salsa course. Oh, it is even better than the first two courses. The steps are more fun, the atmosphere is more relaxed, the group has a nice size... I love it.
On friday I felt like going out. As nice the Nacksta-partys are, after 8 month you get used to it. Therefore we went out to town. For me the first time since weeks. First we went to Bishops Arm were I drunk my first German beer since august and afterwards we went to O'Learys. Again a first time since a long time ago. I checked it. I've been there the last time at the 9th of december. Curious, because it was really good! We danced until 3 in the morning and after some confusions at the taxi-point we made it home at half past 3.
Nevertheless I got up at 8 for my laundry. Joy does not release you from duty. According to rumors there will be a barbeque behind 18a at 2pm, but I don't really believe it. Anyway, I have to take some naps for recovering from the amaizing night. Life needs days like this.
I think you at 8am at the laundry is a bad rumor! ;-)
Actually I know what I am talking about... Uli and me were getting some sun at that time there, comin home from the nice after party. You weren't there in time. Uli checked by calling Phil! ;-)
But yes, it was a very nice evening and we actually went pretty "early" to bed, so might be you were just a minute late ;-)...
Regards Ingen Aning
See you later, Markus