The weekend was pretty. Saturday I had my usual 11am-laundry. In the afternoon I slept recharging from the mask party. And I needed to be recharged, because Nadja had invited to a preparty before the evenings salsa party at town, so Ulrich, Philipp, Sebastian, Nawelle and I went to her. At the end of the preparty we played a funny game. You can see the pictures at
Philipp's gallery. It seems to be common on swedish partys to play games. Jätte roligt!

The salsa party itself was nice. It was the first time I danced outside of the course and I felt very stupid. Courses are easy. Once you have the steps, you follow just the pattern all the time and look for some details in leading and moving. You are dancing in a group and everything is organized. But dancing outside is chaos. Finding the rythm, remembering steps, combining those to complete figures, showing the girl what to do (that's the most difficult)... everything at the same time. Really embarrasing, because I just evolved slowly trying to not becoming discouraged by comments like "You just no two steps?". Uff...

Nevertheless I became tired and we went home. I slept very long on sunday, but thanks to Goska and Magda I were able to take an opportunity to get some fresh air while walking with them to the harbour. You can see a collage of impressions from that trip at
my web-gallery. And got some ideas for small trips in Sundsvall. We could go to Alnö one morning for seeing sunrise over the sea. Or a trip to Norra berget to see dusk in the west over the mountains. I will check that. But today, the sky is cloudy, but it is still warm. I hope for some rain, because there is a lot of dust at the street so you have problems to open the eyes, for the wind is very tough today and blows the dust all over the streets.

But the walk to the harbour was not my only activity at that evening. I just came back home and Ulrich asked me for a nightwalk to the small lake (which is not really small) upside the river. 20 minutes later Anna, Ulrich and I went out for a
walk through the night. I enjoyed it very much. The ground is now mostly freed from ice and snow and the air smells like plants and mudd, similar to the smell of gras after a summer rain. The wind was warm and the full moon shined us the way and gave the partly cloudy sky an amazing depth. I felt independent and free, similar to the experiences I had during the holiday trips in Scandinavien
when I was a child. But until now it is not more than slight memory. Like a tickling under the skin. And I experienced another trigger for that. Streets. Sometimes I can see the lights of the highway at the other end of Sundsvall. And everytime I wish to now what is at the end of this streets. I would like to drive without a particluar goal. Just stopping wherever I want. On saturday evening Philipp and I borrowed Jonnys car for driving to Lidl. On our way we crossed one of the highways and the trickling became more intensive. I need a car... and time without obligations.