But of course, we had some easter traditions, too. Philipp offered a easter brunch, therefore we had a cosy group of guests at sunday morning in our kitchen. Katharina, Sebastian and he had baked cakes and had painted eggs. After the brunch we had a walk with Petter around Sidsjön.
The days could have been also active. On saturday I tried a smaller path in the woods of Norra Berget which led over the rocks above the city. Finally it led to the tower where I've not been since november. It was the first time I had a clear sight from there. When I've been there in september it was raining, but this time I had a very good view to mountains behind Södra Berget and to the sea. The next objective is to reach Norra Berget in time of sunset at a clear day.
Monday was really, really active. Thanks to Petter we drove to Boda Borg, the same where we have been at the beginning of the EILC, too. While the group size of 5 was the last time perfect, it was too big this time. Everybody had ideas for a solution and without a clear leader it was a little mess in the beginning. But then we split up the group and Petter and I went on together. All in all it was a funny day, again, at Boda Borg. Except from a blue spot and some burned skin at my ellbow I have now injuries.
On tuesday the first muscles complained about the exercises, but I guess the main revolution will arise today. At tuesday I've been at university for studying. Luckily I met Paula after lunch so we both had some study-company and I were able to conzentrate better on my book. Afterwards we went to town, where I bought a Mp3-stick, because the jogging-track becomes boring without music. I tested it already at tuesday evening. It makes more fun with music.
Oh, and I have passed my home-exam. Today, I will fetch up the exam, because I am really interested how I made that. Furthermore, I assume that this week I will be able to make the decision if I will stay here during next fall and winter.
I went to bed early, but somehow I could not sleep further after 4 hours. Since then it had rained a lot, but the clouds are gone by now. I hope, that I will be able to sleep now, but I not optimistical about that, because the sun is already rising. Bad luck, because today will be a tough day. First learning at university with the first streetdancing-course afterwards. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to it, but I hope, I will be able to sleep three more hours from now on.

Oh, and I have passed my home-exam. Today, I will fetch up the exam, because I am really interested how I made that. Furthermore, I assume that this week I will be able to make the decision if I will stay here during next fall and winter.
I went to bed early, but somehow I could not sleep further after 4 hours. Since then it had rained a lot, but the clouds are gone by now. I hope, that I will be able to sleep now, but I not optimistical about that, because the sun is already rising. Bad luck, because today will be a tough day. First learning at university with the first streetdancing-course afterwards. Nevertheless, I am looking forward to it, but I hope, I will be able to sleep three more hours from now on.