After the amazing weekend I slowed down at the beginning of the week. Today I did nothing more than reading in the living room and repairing Solenes computer. And I collected some pictures from Philipp and Sebastian and updated the blog entries of the past days with a few of them. I also added some to the Medelpaddeln-with-Gema and NorraBerget-gallery of last week. Still amazed by the last weekend I face the next revival tomorrow. Short before midnight is Basti going to arrive at the train station in Sundsvall! He will travel further to Östersund on Thursday, but we will meet again there at Saturday for Malgosia's birthday. This month was definitely the best of this semester. It started with a few Up-and-Downs followed by a lot of beautiful activities and experiences. No month of my blog has more entries than May. A bit statistics: this is the 131st post since the 10th of august 2006. Nice that there are after 10 month still new experiences to be made. I am wondering how the 3rd s...
Erasmus in Sundsvall.
8th August 2006 - 20th February 2008