We had our last meeting with Ella on Wednesday. Since I will come back to Sweden in August our good-bye was not as final as for the others. This last happening was served with cake and coffee. Afterwards we watched two movies: "Livet är en schlager" and "Mupparna i rymden". Because of this long cinema session I was not able to work sufficient at my report. But I got my bicycle repaired! The tools of the man who did it were quite unconventional but sufficient. With a hammer and a chisel he fixed the pedals. Afterwards he fixed the second wheel, oiled the chain, shook my hand and said "Thank you". I: "Pengar?" - "No money!" - "Tack ska du ha!". I love Sweden. And now I am free! Next week we will go to Alnö by bicycle! In the evening Anna and I cycled to Karhuset for our weekly workout. But because my mind is a mess at the moment (which seems to last since 24 years...) I mixed up the time and we were too late, so Svea had already left because nobody else has come. Damn...
Today was not very successful in writing, too. But salsa was good as always. I came half an hour earlier, for Rebecca wanted to make a documentation about salsa in Sundsvall with me as participant. So, they filmed how I entered Karhuset and interviewed me afterwards. I hope, i was not too dumb. My answers were quiet and short. It was the second salsa documentation I participated. Last September Philipp and I were already interviewed by two girls with camera and microphone during one of the first salsa lessons. We never saw the clip. But I guess, this time I will see it.
Only two more nights until we leave to Stockholm!